Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
Opposition protests The intense Iran
Kubu supporting presidential candidate who defeated Iran, Mir Hossein Mousavi, again called protests in the streets of Tehran, on Wednesday (17 / 6). Iranian authorities also intensify pressure on the more Mousavi supporters and leaders reformis.
Mousavi also calls for peaceful protests on Thursday and a seven-day mourning for supporting the protests killed in action Monday. Source reformis stronghold in the states, the more their leader is arrested.
A day earlier, hundreds of thousands of supporters Mousavi and supporting President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad together down the road to Tehran. Ahmadinejad won the election is declared president on Friday last week. This is triggering protests from the citadel Mousavi point of cheating in the election.
Ahmadinejad, on Wednesday, said, victory in the election is proof of people's trust in government dipimpinnya. "The results demonstrate the performance of elected government ninth (Iran) is based on honesty and service to the people. Twenty-five million votes to prove the management of this country, "he said.
Ahmadinejad to get support from the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez. "Venezuela expressed resistance to the campaign of slander and not based egregious coming from outside parties," a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Venezuela.
Venezuela also investigate the action on the intervention in the affairs of Iran and demanded immediate dihentikannya intimidation efforts of Iran and rock stability.
Rejection in the country
However, the more parties that do not like the way the government stronghold supporters protest action Mousavi. In addition to voice concerns of a number of countries, from within the country also began to appear rejection.
Human rights groups leaders Nobel Peace Prize recipient origin Iran, Shirin Ebadi, to provide support to the protest action Mousavi stronghold. "Center for Human Rights Defenders with the explicit call to the government and senior officials to stop the violence that made the military and security institutions," a statement of the group.
Hundreds of people in Iran and South Korea in a few cities in Europe also came down to the street to support Mousavi. Ministry of foreign countries in Germany, France and the Netherlands ambassador to Iran in order to represent their country concerns. Similarly the Iranian ambassador called for a number of European countries to declare that they do not meddle in the affairs of Iran.
Meanwhile in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Iran's election as cheating. He mentions the emergence of protest as a failure of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the first period of his reign.
United States President Barack Obama refused to intervene in the political situation in Iran. He only says akan forward "diplomacy firmly" to Iran of any pemilunya results. Obama also said that sure Top Iranian Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei understand there are deep concerns about the election in the country. (ap / AFP / Reuters / fro)
swine flu attack cruise Passenger Lists 1200
More than 1200 passengers and crew are requested not to leave Spain Ocean Dream boat harbor on the island of Margarita, on Wednesday (17 / 6).
Ships are not allowed to move up in Barbados and Grenada after the three crew diagnosed flu virus infected. Eleven other crew reported show symptoms of virus fell ill. "Three crew detected the virus infected and this ship should be quarantined until 24 June," said health officials Venezuela, Jorge Alchaer.
Ocean Dream is operated by the travel company Pullmantur. Royal Caribbean, which has Pullmantur, said that they could not provide comment. Nationality of the passengers so far not known exactly. Last week, the world health organization says that swine flu pandemic as a global and has spread to 74 countries. Throughout the world there has been 30,000 cases of victims reached 140 people died.
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009
Prabowo: We are Not State State Religion
Therefore, Prabowo said, the majority of groups, including religious, may not impose religion or interest group.
"Country is not our state religion. All religions are the same place of the same," Prabowo said in dialogue with the young Christian, in the space Serba Guna Complex Apartemen Robinson, North Jakarta, Saturday (13 / 6) night.
The placement of the same and equal, said Prabowo, the believer is eligible to run in the comfort of a full, mutual respect, and mutually protect one another.
"We live with the many races, religions, and we can live peacefully with the cordial. They do not come by itself. If there is no effort to work hard to maintain this harmony, it is very difficult," says Prabowo.
Differences are, according to him, the similarity must dipersatukan ideal living environment in a peaceful and prosperous.
This dialog opportunity, Prabowo was invited by the young Christian. "I invited, as he said at the function room, and not in the house of worship. If in the house of worship, I can not rule according to KPU," he said.
Prabowo also issued a denial on the anti-Christian tudingan it. Tudingan addressed to him, something that was considered reasonable in the political world. "Defamation is libelous weapon in politics. I know, I always be the target. If I spelled out this anti-that, should see how my behavior. For me, all races and tribes together," said Prabowo, said he questions whether a against an anti-religious.
Selasa, 09 Juni 2009
Rani Juliani - Case Antasari Azhar
rani juliani blog - shooting case
Rani Juliani profile in blogger with rani-juliani.blogspot.com now come to the attention of the Netter
Rani Yuliani look back to the name of Rani, the Rani Juliani famous names associated with the case because the killing of the Director of PT Rajawali Putra Banjaran (PRB) which said Nasrudin Zulkarnaen (gak tau bener gak tau boong) diotaki by KPK Chairman Antasari Azhar.
Who is Rani Emang Juliani?
A caddy named Rani Juliani surface such case Director of PT Rajawali Putra Banjaran Nasrudin Zulkarnaen start terkuak. A blog is allegedly directly own famous.
Blog with a rani-juliani.blogspot.com was quiet. Although, there are only two posts each on 25 November 2008, blog directly diserbu many comments.
Rani install the image at the middle and long wear red and white bandana with a white t-shirt and short skirt in plaid brown color. He introduced himself as a girl is sweet.
As dilansir City News, Sunday (3 / 5), about two years ago Rani farewell world's caddy to the concentration of study. However, Rani was not completely stop a caddy. He is only turning to freelance caddy, caddy that is present on the golf course at the request of golfers.
Rani's house in the district of North Panunggangan, Pinang, Tangerang City, is still a closed meeting until now. According to the neighbors, Rani and her family left the house since mid-March or a few days ago after the shooting Nasrudin Zulkarnaen. They think, Rani flee to her parents home in the village Pandeglang, Banten as it had previously farewell.
Some neighbors said the men Rani barbate that later they know as Nasrudin Zulkarnaen frequently visited the house Rani. Rani family, according to a citizen Panunggangan, had explained that the man with mustache that Rani's husband.
According to neighbors, and Rani married Nasrudin series about early 2008. Soon after the marriage, Rani and her family on holiday to Bali. Besides, Rani have a new motor and continue to lecture in schools with STMIK Raharja.
source: kompas.com
As written above the name Rani Juliani emang a strong suspect in the cause of death Nasrudin Zulkarnaen the ditembak at home from the golf karana Rani Juliani work as a caddy at a golf course in the middle of Bogor is a struggle between the Nasrudin Zulkarnaen Antasari Azhar.
Yahh news that the allegations while the note is still correct, but if there is indeed a problem and the struggle of women's affairs under the stomach and selangkangan love and feelings, then tip the first time is true that there is a man that is kelemahannya Women, Wealth And Power. that is the story of who came and who later went by the name Rani brought Juliani who now blog rani juliani to "idol".
* a name that anyone yahh rani rani juliani or Yuliani:: dingdong:: the blog is rani juliani but the news is Yuliani Reviews rani
Manohara Odelia Pinot young model is the birth of Jakarta, 28 February 1992. Born of a patrician Bugis mother, Daisy Fajarina and father berkebangsaan France, Reiner Pinot Noack, no wonder if Manohara, name call, inherited form of the face and shapely body.
His name began to rebound when the entry in the list of 100 Pesona Indonesia by Harper's Bazaar magazine. At the young age that he still has a noble goal, ie, have a social foundation, to help each other the less able.
Unfortunately, life is like a model to study the language and art is not to be seindah before. Manohara be married with a young prince of Malaysia, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry is still in the age of 16.
This begins from the meeting with Manohara Tengku Fakhry in December 2006. They dipertemukan in the reception dinner. From situlah, the prince fall in love. Although terpaut age difference, but the second man is engaged with seijin ibunda Manohara, Daisy.
Not long after that, says Tengku Fakhry desires to marry a former paramour Ardie Bakri this. On 17 August 2008, Manohara and their families to leave for Malaysia on the invitation Tengku Fakhry family.
Although the impression was too fast and does not approve, but this pair finally married on August 26 2008. In fact marriage is not the shadow seindah Mother, Daisy. Manohara was not happy and vague to Jakarta via Singapore on the end of 2008.
Knowing the vague wife, Tengku Fakhri trying to coax the woman back home. Thorough, Manohara compliment the prince with a car in Manohara birthday on 25 February 2009.
Not only coax the wife, Tengku Fakhry try taking a careful family Manohara too. The prince invites Manohara and their families to Umroh at the end of February 2009. This is where events start happening that make the prop bunda fog. At home, the family left the board Manohara, are Manohara and the husband has been raised to the aircraft.
Upon return to the ground water, in mid-March 2009, Daisy reported this incident to the King of Kelantan, Malaysia but there is no response until now. Daisy-ban even get in Malaysia.
Read also:
* Chronological loss Manohara
After many roads lead to mengetahu condition Manohara, finally in May 2009, Daisy can communicate with Manohara although only by phone. This can be done with the help of Dato Khadar Syah, the official representative of the Kingdom of Kelantan.
Finally, on 31 May 2009, Manohara can escape from the 'kungkungan' her husband. When the family iatengah look in Kelantan in Singapore. Thanks to the cooperation between the embassies of Singapore, Embassy of the United States and Indonesia are also parties, finally on Sunday (31 / 5) morning Manohara can return to Indonesia.
Prita muliasari power law: The alleged bribe Clearly
Alleged bribe in the case of the stronger Prita Muliasari. The prosecutors and officials in the Attorney General of Tangerang and Banten get health services free at the Omni International Hospital. This is contained in a leaflet by in the hospital. Omni.
"The fix is there, but can be enggak now, the early evidence that the facilities provided RS. Omni to the prosecution," said the power law Prita, Slamet Yuwono, when found in the building of the attorney general, Jakarta (8 / 6)
Slamet said the inspection was free in the hospital attached to Omni, but pulled back after that. He added that leaflets are still visible until 13 May 2009, when the client or by the judiciary Court.
"In the leaflets, and there are seal and signature of officer dilingkungan Kejari. The announcement is intended for employees and jaksanya, how the leaders," he said.
Leaflet is, according to Slamet akan he made weapons in the trial of her client. This is a strong bouts of bribery in the case of the clients.
Jaksa Agung Muda Pengawasan, Hamzah Tadja, when contacted at terspisah said prosecutors will review the handling of cases Prita. He also ask the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) and Pembarantasan Corruption Commission (KPK) to lend a hand in this case.
Jumat, 23 Januari 2009
Obama's Middle East Agenda
The welcome news was given to the media by Abbas’ spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina. He quoted Obama as saying: “This is my first phone call to a foreign leader and I’m making it only hours after I took office.”
This unexpected development will do a great deal to raise spirits in the Arab and Muslim world. Palestinians have suffered dreadfully from the Bush administration’s uncritical support for Israel over the past eight years. On the West Bank, Israel’s illegal settlements have continued to push relentlessly into Palestinian territory, while over-crowded, suffering Gaza has just endured a brutal three-week war which killed over 1,300 helpless civilians, wounded another 5,000, and smashed much of the infrastructure.
Disappointment was therefore acute when Obama failed to mention the Arab-Israeli conflict in his inauguration address on Tuesday, although the conflict lies at the very heart of the Arab and Muslim world’s quarrel with America. He made no reference to the war in Gaza, which has so recently held the world’s anguished attention. It was as if it had never happened.
For Americans, President Barak Obama’s inaugural address last Tuesday was undoubtedly a much-needed morale-booster, but for many outside the United States it was a disappointment. On foreign policy it was especially weak, setting no clear agenda. Even stylistically, the speech seemed labored and cliché-ridden, with hardly a memorable phrase. This was not Obama at his scintillating best.
There was a line in the speech about leaving Iraq; another about “forging a hard-earned peace in Afghanistan” -- whatever that may mean; a vague reference to “seeking a way forward with the Muslim world” on the basis of “mutual interests and mutual respect”; and, in what was perhaps a coded reference to Iran, a promise that America would “work with old friends and former foes” in reducing the nuclear threat.
Obama’s speech -- more sermonising than substance -- was in great contrast to that delivered the previous day by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as he stood in Gaza against the backdrop of the still smoking rubble of UNRWA’s headquarter building and main warehouse. Ban denounced Israel’s bombing of these facilities as scandalous and unacceptable. He demanded accountability for its possible war crimes. With evident emotion, he urged the Palestinians to unite in order to realize their dream of statehood, which he pledged do his utmost to promote.
On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported that Obama would appoint former Senator George Mitchell, 75, as his Middle East envoy, with special reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Of Irish-Lebanese parentage, Mitchell is known as a man of integrity who helped negotiate the Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland, which opened the way to peace in the troubled province.
But, if he is to break the deadlock in the Middle East, Mitchell will need muscular White House backing. Obama’s call to Mahmud Abbas suggests that he might get it. The Arabs have long had reason to be disappointed by incoming American Presidents who have rarely shown any willingness to confront the strongly pro-Israeli Congress, or to challenge the Israeli lobby which, in its multiple forms from AIPAC to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, shaped America’s Middle East policy in the Bush era.
Yet, Obama knows the facts. In the early stages of his election campaign he was bold enough to say that no one had suffered like the Palestinians. He said then that one could support Israel without embracing Likud’s expansionist policies. In 2003, he opposed the war in Iraq and lashed out at pro-Israeli officials like Paul Wolfowitz, who had pressed feverishly for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
No hint of these sentiments figured in his inaugural address. Instead, he delivered a warning that America was at war with “a far-reaching network of violence and hatred.” To Arabs and Muslims, this sounded like a re-make of George W. Bush’s discredited ‘Global War on Terror,’ raising fears that Obama would not make a clean break with the past.
It is not yet clear how Obama intends to honour his pledge -- given at the start of his election campaign -- to travel to a major Islamic venue in the first 100 days of his presidency in order to deliver the message that “America is not at war with Islam.” The rumour in Washington is that Jakarta is the venue he has chosen for this mission. Indonesia is a largely Muslim country, but not an Arab one. It is where Obama lived as a boy from 1967 to 1971. By going there, he might hope to temper Muslim hostility, but without arousing the furious opposition of Israel and its many supporters in the United States.
Words, however, will not be enough. If Obama’s message is to carry any weight, he will need to move from words to deeds. The massacre in Gaza has aroused great anger among Arabs and Muslims, and caused dismay in much of the world. If Obama wishes to restore America’s leadership and dampen the fires of Arab and Islamic radicalism, he will have to make clear that America will no longer tolerate Israel’s wars and the cruel oppression of its captive Palestinian population.
With his phone call to Mahmud Abbas, Obama has now sent a strong signal that he is deadly serious about wanting to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. Some observers hope for even more. They would like him to make a public statement -- before Israel’s general elections on 10 February -- that he will work for the creation of a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza, with east Jerusalem as its capital.
Only such a bold announcement from the White House might serve to rein in Israel’s ultra-nationalists and land-grabbing settlers, and encourage the emergence of an Israeli peace coalition. But such is the triumphalist mood of the Israeli electorate that no such outcome can realistically be expected from the Israeli elections.
In the meantime, much remains to be done on the ground. The fragile ceasefire needs to be consolidated, which means -- at the very least -- a dialogue with Hamas. The Israeli siege of Gaza must be lifted. Above all, the Palestinians must end the crippling feud between Fatah and Hamas, and form a united government empowered to negotiate with Israel. For such a new Palestinian leadership to emerge, legislative and presidential elections will need urgently to be held in both the West Bank and Gaza. As Ban Ki-moon rightly declared, only if the Palestinians can overcome their differences, can their hopes for statehood be realised.
Israel’s war in Gaza looks increasingly like a colossal strategic blunder. Far from destroying Hamas, it has given it legitimacy. Far from splitting the Arabs it has united them. Far from achieving greater deterrence, it has driven the Arabs -- and Iran -- to look urgently to their defences. Far from improving its international image, Israel is now viewed by much of the world as a rogue state, unchecked by international law or common morality.
Containing Israel -- pushing it back to its pre-1967 borders and curbing its homicidal tendencies – has now become an international obligation. Obama knows that he cannot escape this responsibility.
Patrick Seale is a leading British writer on the Middle East, and the author of The Struggle for Syria; also, Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East; and Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire.
Hambali problem, the Government is "Wait and See"
"We will still wait and see policy of the U.S. Government related to the case (Hambali)," said the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, at a press conference at the Office DEPLU, Jl Pejambon, Jakarta, Friday (23 / 1).
"Currently, the U.S. Government is still discussing on their own internal measures that will be done, so at this point they have not yet been decided," said Faizasyah.
However, it is said Faizasyah, is asking the steps the U.S. government a year to the front and general information about the criteria of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. About the possibility of Hambali in Indonesia, returned and processed law, department of foreign affairs can not ensure the subject.
"The law is based on evidence, whereas we have no means of proof, but we are waiting how the U.S. Government to take steps," he said.
As known, Hambali arrested in Thailand in October 2003 and entered the prison to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without trial. Also made, when he was arrested a Spanish passport with the name berkewarganegaraan Ridwan Isomuddin.
Umi Saodah evacuation to the Past in Egypt
It was said Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah SundaKelapa in space, Pejambon Jl. Jakarta, Friday (23 / 1). "Umi arrived in Cairo at about 02.00 am when Indonesia experienced the process of redemption after a long," he said.
Previously, Umi Saodah secured Palestinian police, and for his own safety not notified Umi existence to anyone, including the department of foreign affairs. "So no wonder when the evacuation takes a long time," he said.
Told Faizasyah, before the evacuation process, negotiations have been repeatedly made by the representatives of Egypt with the parties concerned. "He was freed with the help of the Red Cross Palestine," he said.
About the process of returning to Indonesia, according to Faizasyah, will soon be tried as soon as possible. "Indeed there is no obstacle, the administration and some stay with the employer's affairs," he said.
Feeling Kamerad Castro's time is
Castro in any posts in a site titled "Reflecting Kamerad Fidel," Cuba is a central figure himself said the day stay.
Fidel Castro prime minister in July 2006 with the health reasons. Time, the room itself must be signed in operation because of heart disease dialaminya. Until now, Castro never appeared in public. Then, turn bungsunya brother, Raúl Castro who occupy seats presidency.
Meanwhile, the President had said Obama will not stop the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba until democratic reforms appear in the island country. But, Obama said the visit will erase limitations of Cuban American descent following money for their families. Obama had a personal offer of negotiations with Raúl Castro.
Because information systems are limited, most people only hear Cuba rumor concerning the condition of Fidel Castro. In addition to suffering from stroke, Fidel Castro also digosipkan once commas.
Source: A.P
Richard Holbrooke to Pakistan and Afghanistan
President Obama promised to increase the number of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan. The goal is to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda. In daily life, the U.S. will work with Pakistan and ama do antiteror operating on the border with Afghanistan that country.
Richard Holbrooke is former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (UN). Men aged 68 years since this was known to be the interpreter of peace in the conflict in Bosnia that ended in the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995.
Holbrooke other achievement is seven times nominated for the Nobel enter Peace. He is a foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton in the presidential election campaign in 2008 ago. Now, Holbrooke became an adviser Presien Barack Obama.
Source: AFP
Speak English, Obama Want to Menteng
"When talking with the employee, President Obama, who along with Vice President Joseph Biden, and National Security Advisor General James L. Jones, his desires to visit the neighbors ever in Jakarta," the press release the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta received, Friday (23 / 1) night.
Visit to the U.S. department of foreign affairs stressed the government's attention on diplomacy and also mark the first day of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State to-67 in that department. In the visit, he announced a special U.S. envoy to the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and provide guidance on the diplomatic front.
President Obama announces Hillary Menlu with former Senator George Mitchell as a special envoy for the peace process in the Middle East and Ambassador Richard Holbrooke as the most special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan This is a step under the new government's commitment to update it through the leadership of U.S. diplomacy.
"We are confronted by global challenges that extraordinary, mutually-related and complex," Obama said to the employees of department of foreign affairs. "Progress will not come quickly or easily, we also promise not justify every mistake in the world. But we can promise will be using all elements of American power to protect our citizens and advance the interests and our ideals, starting with the United States who have principles diplomacy, the focus and sustainable. "
After greeting authorized, President Obama chatting and shake hands with the U.S. diplomat. In the middle of the event, Charles Silver, a former Public Affairs Counselors for the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta menyapanya in Bahasa Indonesia, "Selamat siang, Mr.."
Without hesitate President Obama held, "Thank you. How are you?"
"Whether in good," answered Silver, and then notify the President that he had served several times in Indonesia.
Then President Obama said when he visited Indonesia, he would like to visit the neighbors in the long Menteng, Central Jakarta.
Source: Antara
Susan Rice as the U.S. ambassador at the UN
The senator also agreed adjuvant-adjuvant another Obama, including Shaun Donovan minister for housing and regional development, and a former member of parliament from the Republic Party, Ray Lahood, as head of the department of transportation.
All agreements are done through the senate vote is not required to be counted.
Obama appointed as president-44 to the U.S. on 20 January through to get the inauguration speech of the people of the United States and many other state leaders.
Source: Ant
Kamis, 22 Januari 2009
Party Rp 100 million in primary Obama
Pull the whole of Israel troops
"On the morning of this last Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip has left. However, all the troops still stand around Gaza to respond to and anticipate the attack occurred when the back-up, "said Israeli military spokesman, on Wednesday (21 / 1).
The process of withdrawing all Israeli soldiers it has already started on Sunday or after Israel announced a unilateral cease-fire and followed the Palestinian combatants. Combatant groups Hamas to give up to one week to Israel to withdraw all troops and all the doors to open the border and crossing into the Gaza region.
Along with the withdrawal of the army, the fleet spent the war Israel is still sporadic fire in Gaza in the morning. Combatant Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Barhum, said, withdrawing all troops are not enough and does not solve the problem in Gaza. "We demand all the blockade was opened fully. Similarly, our border so that people can live safely and peacefully, "he said.
Hamas also ask the government employees return to work normally despite the building of government offices in Gaza City to live with Israel after the debris since Dec. 27. Due to Israel's aggression on land, air and sea, about 1300 people killed and 5,300 people injured. According to the statistics bureau Gaza, about 4,100 houses destroyed and 17,000 damaged.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stressed, Israel is only willing to help reconstruction of Gaza if the effort is led by international organizations, Egypt or the Palestinian Authority in the West edges. "Hamas should be responsible for the damage in Gaza and the civilians who become victims," he said.
Meanwhile, reported from Rafah, a number of pieces of hair salon in the city of Rafah, Egypt, submit claim compensation to the Government of Israel through the Egyptian police officer. Some salon earlier cracked buildings and several officers injured as a result salon serpihan rudal fighter from Israel. Some people in Rafah also claim damages to the Government of Israel due to damage to some parts of the house, such as the roof of the house fall, broken glass, and a wall cracked.
Egyptian security forces have found at least six rudal Israel that does not explode in various places in Rafah, Egypt.
Government Hamas leaders Ismail Haniya ask all government officials to enter a program for rebuilding Gaza and start normal life again for the whole population. Hamas mengimbau population in order to avoid dangerous places suspected of mines planted by Israel or are still leaving the rest rudal or explosive materials that have not explode.
Shift savior of the team doctors and volunteers who come from different countries continue to work hard to provide care to victims injured in the Gaza hospital, especially the main hospital Sifa, Gaza City. Meanwhile, volunteers clean up debris of buildings destroyed.
Meanwhile, countries in the Arab world in a forum High-Level Conference of Arab economic development was held in Kuwait failed to agree on a mechanism and determine the parties that deal with development projects back the whole of Gaza is destroyed. Some Arab countries rejected the Hamas government when the project will handle the rebuilding Gaza.
The reason, the project is to give Hamas even more legitimacy to Hamas. Meanwhile, some other Arab countries to support Hamas as the leading development projects back Gaza. The reason, the de facto Hamas party is in power in Gaza. KTT Arab economy is finally on the recommendation does not exclude leaders who handle projects and rebuilding Gaza. (Reuters / AFP / AP / LUK)
Source: Kompas
Senate Approve Hillary Clinton
Republic Party and Democratic nomination Hillary looked approval as a necessary step so that President Barack Obama can swing diplomatiknya efforts to deal with the problem of urgent overseas, such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
"The message now to the American people sent us is they want us to work together and start working," said the Republic Party Senator John McCain of Arizona, the defeat of Obama in the presidential election on November 4 ago.
Hillary scheduled taken oath in a ceremony on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, and then scheduled to reinforce the action called diplomacy canny ability to improve the U.S. image in the world and create a good international environment for economic recovery.
"The government should use what Obama called the jockey's ability, a series of peranti we have full-diplomacy, economy, military, politics, law and culture, using the right tool or combination of tools for every situation," said Hillary in the opinion of the Committee Senate Foreign Relations, Tuesday.
"With the ability jockey, diplomacy will be in the front rows of our foreign policy," said Hillary.
He added, "requires a canny ability to stretch the hand of friend and foe, in order to encourage the old and build new ones."
The statement about the ability of Hillary jockey is seen as one of the most important guidelines for foreign policy by the government Obama, who has decided to take advantage of the device that can dimanfaatkannya, including diplomacy, in order to restore the economy.
One of the main policy issues faced by foreign Hillary is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
At the first working day as president, Obama, on Wednesday, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel, Jordan, King Abdullah and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, to the decision to encourage the peace process in the region.
President berikrar will be "actively involved in efforts to achieve Arab-Israeli peace began early tenure, and his hopes for the leadership and cooperation that they continue," said Robert Gibbs, Obama spokesman, in a pernyaaan.
U.S. President also offer the former Northern Ireland peace envoy, George Mitchell, a position as utusannya problems in the Middle East, said reports circulating in Washington.
Ditambahkannya, the envoys will be immediately sent to the area to mengonsolidasikan cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinian combatants.
On Sunday, Israel and the Islamic resistance movement (Hamas) announced a cease-fire after 22 days in the Gaza Strip first, the Palestinian medical sources said more than 1,300 people killed Israeli soldiers.
Source: Ant
The whole of Israel is "Right Back"
The process of withdrawal is sejatinya held since Sunday (18 / 1) pascapernyataan cease-fire by Israel. Meanwhile, to give Hamas time to Israel for a week, one of them, opening the entrance to Gaza.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Ministry of Health records show, at least 1,300 people died, 410 of them are children and 100 women.
The number of victims injured reached 5,300 people. From that amount, 1,855 are children and 795 women.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian statistics bureau reported, 4,100 houses destroyed and 17,000 damaged other heavy.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon accuse Israel using excessive force in this conflict. Meanwhile, Secretary General of South Korean origin also appointed Palestinian rocket attacks to the south of Israel that started the invasion be censured many of the world.
Not only that, eight groups of human rights defenders in Israel accuse the military of ignoring the rules of war.
Source: AFP
Mbak Non, Obama, Soetoro and Family
Contacted in Bandar Lampung, on Tuesday (20 / 1), or Ayu Rahayu Soetoro menuturkan, it is the second son of Lolo Soetoro, the second marriage of Erna Kustina 1980. Soetoro separated after the wedding with Stanley Ann Dunham, the mother uterus Obama.
Ayu does not claim to have a special closeness or stories about Obama. Stories concerning Barack Obama alias Barry in Indonesia for more didengarnya from the big family Soetoro in Jakarta.
Ayu menuturkan, he only know of the existence of some of the Non-mass media. "From the newspaper or television made, some foster children is a Non Soetoro Mr. and Mrs. Dunham the 1970s. Last year I was not born so I do not know the truth, "said Ayu men who have older brother named Bayu Aji (27).
However, Ayu said, if some children are adopted Non Mr. and Mrs. Dunham Soetoro, he should know some form of Non-family. Moreover, the family of Mr. Soetoro very familiar.
They often hold meetings or family gather at Lebaran. However, on such occasions, Ayu had never met with the Non Mbak.
"On such occasions, some called the Non-call in the newspaper that never came. We do not have a known, "said Ayu.
In addition, more Ayu, when some close to the Non-known father, at least he also knew of the existence of some Non kandungnya mother. Theirs is the story difficult to know the truth concerning Non Mbak.
With Maya Soetoro Ng, who is the brother of a father, Ayu frequently communicate. Last time they send e-mail before 13 January 2009. "On the family and Trisulo Sutendro-second family that is part of the family and Soetoro-Obama is about to depart the United States. They would attend the inauguration Obama, "said Ayu. (Hln / aha)
Source: Kompas
Rabu, 21 Januari 2009
Hope greets inauguration around the world
From the shantytowns of Kenya's capital to the rural homestead of Barack Obama's relatives, thousands of Kenyans slaughtered goats, hoisted American flags and partied into the night yesterday as a man they see as one of their own ascended to the world's most powerful office.
In Nairobi's sprawling Kibera slum, residents raised a U.S. flag and declared Kenya to be America's 51st state. In the village of Kogelo, where Obama's father was born and some family members still live, 5,000 people gathered as 10 bulls and six goats were slaughtered for a luxurious feast at a time when the country is enduring a crippling food crisis.
"Yes, yes, yes!" shouted Maurice Odoyo, 34, joining hundreds of people trying to catch a glimpse of Obama's speech on a 12-inch television set up in a clearing in Kibera. "Obama will remember us, how we are suffering."
At the biggest hospital in Kisumu, Christine Aoko named her newborn daughter Michelle, after Obama's wife.
"I hope my girl will grow as tough as Michelle," Aoko said.
VIENNA, Austria
It was just a scribble in the snow. But the giant "YES, WE CAN!" that Norbert Aschenbrenner carved in huge letters at the U.N. complex in Vienna yesterday was a poignant expression of how many people in the international community are embracing Obama.
Aschenbrenner works for the International Atomic Energy Agency, which went up against President George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Bush administration had said Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction; the U.N. agency had insisted that its inspectors had found no supporting evidence.
Aschenbrenner said he felt compelled to do something to express his pleasure with the change of leadership in Washington. "So I came in early today, at 7 a.m., and felt a bit like a graffiti-sprayer," he said.
Hussein Mohammed Ali, a teacher in the southern Iraqi city of Basra, took special pride in watching Obama take office as president.
Ali is among about 350,000 Iraqis with African ancestry: descendants of slaves brought to Iraq when it was part of the Ottoman Empire. Many of them live in the Basra area, where they feel marginalized in Iraqi society.
"I feel so proud and happy today because Obama, a black man like me, will assume the post of president of the world's most powerful country," Ali said. "The great event taking place today represents compensation for all the years of deprivation and denial that black people lived through."
BOGOTA, Colombia
Sugar cane-cutting descendants of African slaves were given the day off in Puerto Tejada, a violence-wracked town of 45,000, where they watched Obama's inauguration on a giant TV and celebrated with dancing and singing.
"The people here see themselves represented in Obama," Mayor Elver Montano said. "President Barack Obama could help us a lot, promote dialogue, give resources and money to help improve people's livelihood."
JAKARTA, Indonesia
Obama spent four years as a boy in Indonesia's capital, and students at his former school performed traditional dances from across the world's most populous Muslim nation in his honor yesterday.
Old classmates also joined in the celebration at the Menteng 1 elementary school, where Obama is fondly remembered as a kid nicknamed Barry.
"I'm proud that the next president is someone who I have shared time with," said Rully Dasaad. "It was a crucial time for children our age. It is when we learned tolerance, sharing, pluralism, acceptance and respect of difference in cultures and religions."
Ron Larsen waited for this day for the entire lives of his two 8-year-old sons.
"All they've ever heard about is Bush," Larsen said at an inauguration-viewing party sponsored by Democrats Abroad Frankfurt. "This will finally be the America I want them to have."
The 48-year-old native of Xenia, Ohio, who has worked in Germany for 16 years, joined others in snacking on hot dogs and sipping beer and soda while watching the inauguration on TV at the Museum of Communication.
Standing outside the Cantagalo slum, where shanties climb a steep hill with stunning views of Rio's beaches, Alex Andrade, an unemployed black Brazilian, expressed hope that Obama will bring change to his nation.
"Blacks face so much discrimination here. Now, with a black man in charge of such an important country, it might help decrease the racism in Brazil," the 24-year-old said. "It is giving hope to all the people who live here."
Just off Ipanema beach, Marco Aurelia Pereira, a 53-year-old white businessman, stood in a bathing suit and sipped cold beer in a small bar where a television showed the inauguration.
Obama "has taken over a country at one of its lowest points," Pereira said. "But the U.S. always seems full of surprises, and I'm sure he'll help you bounce back."
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia
Saleh al-Mohaisen drew on his cigarette as he pondered the significance of Obama while taking a break outside his jewelry store yesterday.
He said he was elated at Obama's election and is sure the 44th president will be better than his predecessor, whom many Saudis accuse of bringing wars to his region.
"I wanted to send him a letter by courier to wish him well and explain how Muslims and Arabs feel," al-Mohaisen said. "I felt that he could understand Arab suffering."
But the 34-year-old shopkeeper also said he was concerned about Obama's lack of comment on recent fighting in the Gaza Strip.
ST. JOHN'S, Antigua
Antiguan Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer said the Caribbean nation will rename Boggy Peak, its highest point, Mount Obama on Aug. 4 to mark President Barack Obama's 48th birthday.
Spencer announced the plan in November in a letter to Obama but didn't say when it would happen. He revealed the date yesterday.
Spencer said he joined "people of color all over the world, and indeed all people," in celebrating Obama's inauguration.
Boggy Peak rises 1,300 feet over Antigua's southern point and is popular with hikers.
Two Indonesians die from bird flu
TWO Indonesians living near the capital Jakarta have died of bird flu, the health ministry said on its website.
Separately, both went to a market, fell sick in December with high fever, a cough and breathing difficulties and were sent to hospital, according to the website today.
A five-year-old girl named Nad from Bekasi district east of Jakarta died on January 2, and a 29-year-old woman named Sut from Tangerang district west of Jakarta died on December 16, it said.
Laboratory tests showed that both were "positive for bird flu", it said.
"Before she fell sick, Nad was taken by her parents to the market to buy chicken. Her cat died after eating the chicken they bought," the website said.
"Before she fell sick, Sut went to a market near her house," it said.
The latest cases pushed Indonesia's death toll from bird flu to 115, after the World Health Organisation in December put the figure at 113.
According to the WHO, the 113th victim was a two-year-old girl who contracted the deadly strain of the virus on November 18. She was taken to hospital on November 26 and died three days later.
Indonesia has been the country hardest hit by bird flu, accounting for nearly half of the disease's worldwide fatalities.
The H5N1 virus typically spreads from birds to humans through direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to kill millions in a pandemic.