Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
Doctor Jordan: Gaza City Not Due
"Israel only on the fringe of the main routes in Gaza," said Hosam dr Zaga, humanitarian volunteers from Jordan, after arriving at the gate of Rafah, Egyptian-Palestinian border, Saturday evening at 17:00 local time (22.00).
Together with other doctors, they work in the Hospital (RS) As-Shifa in Gaza City to help deal with the Palestinian people injured due to the aggression Zionis country.
He revealed, after the Gaza attack Israel with a bomb bombardir be fighter of the date of 27 December 2008, electricity and water supply has stopped so that the Palestinian people more suffering.
"Electricity and water only in the As-Shifa hospital, while in other places all pasokannya stopped," added dr Hamdi, sejawat Hosam Zaga. According to him, at this time of specialist doctors with surgical bone (ortopoedi) is also very necessary because many victims injured fracture.
Volunteer Indonesia
Meanwhile, the Medical Rescue Commite (MER-C) Indonesia became the first home team who will go to Indonesia to Gaza Strip in Palestine. Teams consisting of three doctors and a duty to support the logistical needs of the border gate to the entrance of Rafah at around 15:20 local time (20.20 WIB), Saturday.
Volunteers who go after that and get recommendations KBRI Cairo, Egyptian Red Crescent, and Egypt-are Mendagri presidium MER-C of José Rizal Jurnalis Spot, Indragiri SPAN dr, dr Syarbini Abdul Muradz, and Moh Mursalim (logistics).
Meanwhile, one other member volunteers, Ir Faried Talib (logistics), who also get entry permits remained in Cairo and El-Arish because the need to coordinate the assistance to be sent later, such as cars and ambulan drugs.
After a document review procedures that are required, the four volunteers MER-C Indonesia is ascertained menyebrang into Rafah, Palestinians, the Gaza Strip. At 17:10 local time (22.10 WIB) with the bus "Gaza City" with the number 08-2822616, a team of volunteers that is already menyebrang area of Egypt and into Palestine.
José Rizal Jurnalis mentions that the first team as a "surgical team", and will be tasked to help the Palestinian people have a lot of injuries and broken bones. "This team will explore what information needs of the most needed," he said. Indonesia is a team of volunteers, after the bus ride and then moved to the car ambulan for the Gaza Strip.
Source: Ant
Teacher "Women's Christine McCallum" Gauli Bocah Men Hundreds of Times
Turbulence is not able to control the appetite syahwatnya, he tega-teganya menggauli kid men aged 13 years. Indictment and a statement is made to enter the Massachusetts teachers origin aged 29 this year to the court to be responsible kelakuannya.
Is mentioned in the indictment, McCallum has to do with sexual harassment menggauli male kid that as many as hundreds of times since starting the kid was 13 years old. Now digaulinya kid who was aged 16 years.
According to John Llewellyn, head of the Rockland Police Office, based on statements the kid who has now aged 16 years, he has claim to hundreds of times digauli. "He has confessed digauli mother McCallum teachers almost as much as 300 times and occur almost every day," said Llewellyn.
Since this case mencuat entry and ranah court, McCallum has the sack from a school in Abington, Massachusetts. McCallum was suspected to be the kid when he became assistant teacher at the School Abington, Massachusetts.
Relationship ended after the father of the kid found some letters from Mccalum. A letter of concern to the pitched kandasnya their relationship.
However, McCallum disprove these claims. McCallum power according to law, there is no evidence that can be used as a reference that the client has to have sex with teenagers. McCalum released at this time with a number of insurance money, but are forbidden to approach the kid, his family, and all under-age kid. (Dhika / Kompas-TV)
Source: AP
Israel Will Make a unilateral cease-fire
A high government official, said the security cabinet of the Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at a meeting Saturday night is estimated to support the proposed cease-fire that Israel will stop the offensive after firing three weekends although without reciprocity agreement from Hamas.
However, according to the provisions of the proposal, Israeli troops will remain in the Gaza region during this period that is not explained, said a high government official of Israel.
"Israel is estimated Cabinet vote to support the unilateral cease-fire on the meeting tomorrow after the signing of memorandum in Washington and that means that the progress achieved in Cairo," said the official who mentioned his name not be ready.
"Israeli troops will remain in Gaza after the ceasefire unilaterally imposed," he said.
Breakthrough was achieved after Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of Israel signed an agreement in Washington with U.S. Menlu Condoleezza Rice that the U.S. will increase supervision to prevent arms smuggling to Gaza, after a messenger and a high return of Israel's negotiations with officials in Cairo.
"Olmert satisfied with the results of the negotiations in Cairo, said the basic demand-demand Israel" to halt Hamas rocket attacks and coordination agreement between Israel and Egypt on the establishment of the track-track crossing in Gaza, the officials said.
"Olmert satisfied with the memorandum with the U.S. and Egypt in the negotiations," he said. Attacks kill Israel for 21 days this killed more than 1,100 Palestinian citizens and mencederai 5000 people in Gaza.
Israel-Hamas violence erupt again after a six-month truce ends on December 19.
Israel reply combatant Palestinian rocket firing to the Jewish state gempuran unleash massive air since 27 December and land attacks to the war in Gaza does not get a comparable criticism and condemnation from various corners of the world.
Group Hamas in the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the defeat of Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in the death a few days.
Since the area is poor coastal diblokade by Israel. Any Palestinian entity into two separate areas, namely the occupied Gaza Strip and Hamas edges West under the Abbas government.
EU, Israel, and Hamas to enter the U.S. in the list of terrorist organizations. Ehud Olmert will end the task as PM Israel has warned that the confrontation will occur soon with Hamas despite the cease-fire Egypt ditengahi force on 19 June.
Source: Antara
400 Doctor Singles Take dalm pair events Search Party
"We hold the meeting together with a network as a matchmaker bonus special year-end for our staff, most of the Ph D degree holders who are over 30 years," said the spokesman for the CAS, as Xinhua reported.
"We actually love life, just as they do," said Liu, a holder of doctorate degree (Ph D), about women. "Besides, we all want to get married and have families."
Most of the women registered through the Internet in the hope they can find a suitable pair, a stable income, and happier life.
Source: Antara
Zimbabwe Opposition Leader Morgan Tsvangirai to return to the country of origin
Morgan Tsvangirai fly back to Harare, Saturday, after two months abroad. He planned talks with the members of the Movement for Democratic Change. One of the agenda is likely withdraw from koalisinya with the government.
Kesekatan related to the division of powers, the President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe has almost finished preparing the kabinetnya, including provincial officials and central bank governors.
To help find a way out on the political impasse that Harare, Monday upcoming South African President and President of Mozambique, and mediator Thabo Mbeki will visit Harare.
Tsvangirai is also expected that does not make any decision before the meeting on Monday.
Source: AP
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
Children uterus Dijual Rp 174 Million Plus Sekerat Beer
Concern, girls are sold at 16,000 U.S. dollars (about Rp 174 million) plus 100 slice of meat and beer. This case to the police after the parents of the girls complain that the men earlier failed to pay in accordance with the agreement.
This transaction was reported involving a third party. Police immediately hold father for alleged human trafficking, while the man was 18 years old alleged to be rape. The girl was immediately returned to his parents.
Case sales child girls or offer to others acapkali happened in Greenfield and there involving girls aged 12 years. Most of the girls sold or offered to men who are older.
The migrants mostly from Mexico acapkali sell gadisnya even children are still under the age of the economic difficulties. In fact, the action is illegal in California.
Source: Kompas
Air attacks Israel, Minister of Hamas in the country "Said Siam" died
Putra dan saudaranya juga tewas dalam serangan terhadap sebuah rumah di kamp pengungsi Jabalya itu.
Siam membawahi 13.000 polisi dan aparat keamanan HAMAS, sebagian besar terlibat aktif dalam perang melawan Israel. Seorang pejabat HAMAS berjanji melakukan pembalasan atas kematian menteri itu.
"Darah Said Siam akan menjadi kutukan bagi Zionis," kata Mohammed Nazzal kepada televisi Al-Jazeera.
Siam diangkat sebagai menteri dalam negeri setelah HAMAS menang dalam pemilihan umum Palestina pada Januari 2006. Delapan-belas bulan kemudian, kelompok itu menghalau saingan mereka, Fatah, dari Jalur Gaza.
Dalam pernyataan yang menggarisbawahi kebijakannya, Siam mengatakan kepada Reuters dalam wawancara pada Maret 2006, "Tidak akan pernah datang hari dimana orang Palestina ditangkap karena afiliasi politiknya atau karena menentang pendudukan (Israel)."
"Sebaliknya, rejim baru HAMAS akan berusaha melakukan koordinasi yang lebih baik untuk melancarkan serangan terhadap negara Yahudi tersebut," katanya.
Siam adalah anggota sayap garis keras Hamas dan telah membentuk Pasukan Eksekutif yang memainkan peranan penting dalam pengambilalihan Gaza. Militer Israel juga mengkonfirmasi serangan yang menewaskan menteri Hamas itu.
"Dalam operasi gabungan IDF ({Pasukan Pertahanan Israel) dan Shin Beth (keamanan dalam negeri) beberapa saat lalu, jet-jet menyerang sebuah bangunan" di Gaza ketika Said Siam sedang berada di dalam rumah itu bersama saudaranya Iyad dan seorang ketiga, kata seorang jurubicara militer Israel. "Kami menghantam sasaran tersebut," tambahnya.
Lebih dari 1.000 warga Palestina tewas dan sekitar 5.000 orang cedera dalam ofensif 20 hari Israel ke Jalur Gaza, menurut petugas-petugas medis di Gaza.
source : Antara
Israeli tank attack UN Headquarters in Gaza
Social Assistance Agency headquarters and the UN workers (UNRWA) in Gaza is not separated from the tank three-shot incaran Israel, on Thursday (15 / 1).
"SH-tank tank into the complex UNRWA Gaza. As a result, three employees injured, one building burned, and other parts of the severe damage, "said UNRWA spokesman, Adnan Abu Hasna.
When Israel attacked the tank is complex, at least 700 Palestinian residents to shelter in the middle there. One of the buildings that burned contain "hundreds of tons" of goods from a number of humanitarian aid for the Palestinian state.
Attack occurred shortly after UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Israel to meet with the leaders of that country. "I have strong protest and anger I convey to Israel. I have an explanation Defense Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to Israel, the attack was fatal error. He promised to more carefully observing the facilities and staff in the UN. He is apologize and promise not to repeat the error, "said Ban Ki-moon.
Although apologize because storm UN offices, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak still berkilah point with Hamas as one of the parties. "Hamas is deliberately using the Palestinian civilians as' human shields' and fire on Israeli troops from the UN building complex. Israel army hit back and avoid any civilian. We also help keep the United Nations, "he said.
The international community with hard censure Israel because the United Nations Headquarters. Criticism came from France, the European Union, and the UK. In fact, the European Union that surprised and very disappointed with this ulah Israel.
Gempuran tank due to Israel, while UNRWA to stop some of the assistance. However, the activities of humanitarian aid effort does not stop. "Activities were forced to stop running because there is no vehicle to distribute the aid. There are five trucks in the building that burned us, "said Hasna.
CARE International institutions also forced to confess to temporarily stop the distribution of food aid and medicines because kerapnya bombardment in the vicinity of the warehouse and distribution locations in Gaza City.
In addition to the United Nations Headquarters, Israel also attacked the hospital in Al-Quds Al-Tal Eve in the center of Gaza City. In the hospital have reported that hundreds of citizens who seek refuge in Gaza. Israeli troops also attacked the Al-Shurouq buildings used as offices by various media, such as Reuters news agency and station Abu Dhabi TV.
Israel military spokesman menuturkan, before they have exhausted confirm news agency Reuters in Gaza. Israel claim to shoot it because the United Nations office involved in the shooting of the Hamas fighter. Military hear Israel, Hamas has taken over a media office in the same area.
Fierce battle also felt in the other parts in the center of Gaza City. Tank-tank Israel also the entry to the city center. For the first time, the army of Israel was involved in the shooting of the Hamas fighter in the streets of the usually teeming population. As a result, civilians rushing find safe places. Thousands of residents in the area of settlement Tel Hawwa rushing evacuate to leave their homes only with the clothes on the body.
Gaza civilians flee along with the flow of weapons and automatic gempuran tank and combat aircraft. The sky filled with dense black smoke and white due to the explosion and building collapse because of Israel.
Due to attack Israel since December 27, at least 1,100 people died and 5,000 people injured. Among the victims killed there are 355 children, 100 women and 117 elderly people.
Must end
The number of victims who reached the 1100 assessed that the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is no longer acceptable. "People Gaza facing humanitarian crisis. This is indeed a fact. The number of victims is not acceptable anymore. We can not discard the time. We must be immediately end the suffering of the people, "said Ban.
Ban stressed again, now has fire halted violence in Gaza. "Any form of attack that occurred in Gaza must be stopped. Now! Now we have to change the dynamics in Gaza and try to realize the peace negotiations between both parties, as well start talking again about the two state solution. The only way to reach the security of Israel forever, "he said.
Ban is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel and a visit to Ramallah in the West edges to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni also stressed, only Israel can decide when and what way that will be used to complete or end serangannya to Gaza.
"From daily reports, we will decide when military operations will end," said Livni.
Livni stressed again, Israel would still retain the right defend itself. Not only from the rocket attacks, but also from smuggling weapons through tunnels in Rafah, in southern Gaza Strip. (AP / LUK)
Source: Kompas
Obama, The First Wired President
"Defense Minister Barak of Israel said to me that this is a serious mistake and he respond with the correct serious," Ban said during a news conference in Tel Aviv with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.
However, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said that it was still in the investigation. When asked to comment concerning dilontarkan Ban, Regev says Defense Minister Ehud Barak is already talking to the leaders of the United Nations, "If it is the actions of Israel, was a serious mistake."
Regev said "not clear who shot the UN facility."
"I belong so that we can belong to Hamas," Regev said. "Everything is being examined at this time."
Israel army through Gaza City during the night. During a battle with Hamas forces, aid the UN headquarters complex, located quite close to the housing residents attacked by artillery and bombs hands. The attack is the emergence of thick dark smoke that envelop the air.
Source: CNN
UN condemn attacks on Israel to the United Nations Complex
"Defense Minister Barak of Israel said to me that this is a serious mistake and he respond with the correct serious," Ban said during a news conference in Tel Aviv with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.
However, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said that it was still in the investigation. When asked to comment concerning dilontarkan Ban, Regev says Defense Minister Ehud Barak is already talking to the leaders of the United Nations, "If it is the actions of Israel, was a serious mistake."
Regev said "not clear who shot the UN facility."
"I belong so that we can belong to Hamas," Regev said. "Everything is being examined at this time."
Israel army through Gaza City during the night. During a battle with Hamas forces, aid the UN headquarters complex, located quite close to the housing residents attacked by artillery and bombs hands. The attack is the emergence of thick dark smoke that envelop the air.
Source: CNN
Hamas Accept Proposed Egypt
Senior Egyptian diplomat said Egypt has accepted the suggestion readiness Hamas cease-fire it. Description similar previously expressed by Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos while in Jerusalem. "Hamas will declare support and receive it in public," said Moratinos who had been the EU special envoy to the Middle East.
Previously, Menlu Egypt, Ahmed Abu Al-Gheit said, Hamas has said attitude towards the ceasefire agreement. The material is to be discussed during a meeting of Israel Egypt. Proposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak expressed that on 6 January to reveal the "hope" realize cease-fire and withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip.
In the Egyptian proposal also mentioned that the cease-fire "while", ie for 10 days. Hamas officials in Gaza, Ghazi Hamad, is optimistic that this agreement will be accepted between the parties. "I think we have no other choice. Agreements like this can be done now, "he said.
However, a Hamas leader in exile in Beirut, Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, that there are still some points that "less well" in the heart Hamas. "We do not agree with this agreement," he said to Al Jazeera.
The statement indicates that the different divisions among the leaders of Hamas in Gaza with those in exile. The majority of the Hamas leaders in Syria tends to follow the flow of hard.
Ambassador of Egypt to the UN Maged Abdelaziz also stressed, the two parties until now have not received the proposals of Egypt. Israel has asserted will not accept the proposed cease-fire for 10 days while in Gaza. Israel worried that the cease-fire that Hamas used to strengthen themselves, and mempersenjatai group.
UN General Assembly
Menlu Hassan Wirajuda in Klaten, Central Java, on Thursday, affirming, upon the suggestion the Government of Indonesia, the General Assembly (MU) on Thursday the United Nations will hold an emergency session of the special attack Israel. Although MU UN council decision not binding, because the failure of the UN Security Council in this case, the moral need to have pressure from MU UN to Israel in order to stop the aksinya.
"This diplomatic steps the Government of Indonesia at the United Nations that proposes a special emergency session MU UN. UN Security Council failed to make Israel stop serangannya and agreed ceasefire. Access to the distribution of food and humanitarian aid are still constrained, "said Hassan.
According to him, there is need to rush back to the United Nations DK which in this case as a responsible custodian of peace and international security and, of course, to Israel to attack the military.
In Bandung, West Java, Chairman of the Forum people Ulama Indonesia KH Athian Ali in a discussion titled "Search for Solutions suffering Palestinian people" asserts, the UN's ability to be able to complete the crisis in the Gaza Strip doubt. The attack from Israel to stop Palestinian difficult if concrete sanctions against Israel and the firm's various communities the state has not done.
"I think this attack Israel will not be completed only with the resolutions of the UN simply discourse. They (Israel) will not be subject to any formal rules, "said KH Athian Ali. (AP / LUK / JON / EKI)
Source: Kompas
Last Speech, Bush Not Stay Akui Error
"Obama becomes President of the U.S. with the first black appointed on January 20 is the background that reflects the promise never go out of our homeland," Bush said in a speech on television last statesman after eight years in power.
"This is a moment of hope and pride for all our nations. And I join with all Americans to provide a prosperous elected to the U.S. president, Obama, his wife, Michelle, and two beautiful daughter," said the U.S. leader is not popular such as dilansir AFP.
Bush during the rule of the issues, that is, the result of 11 September 2001, and worsened the Iraq War is not popular, the slow response in handling the impact of Storm Katrina, and the worst economic crisis in 70 years last century.
"There are things I can do differently if given me the opportunity. You may not agree with some hard decisions that I take, but I hope you can understand why I have sought to make decisions is difficult," said Bush.
He recognizes the difficult circumstances that he inherit to his country, including the war in Iraq has not been completed and Afghanistan and the hard line Muslim terrorist who said he still wanted to membunuhi the United States.
"When the people we felt more secure than seven years ago, the worst threat of our people remain the next terrorist attack," he said while stressed that if the other party seeks normal life after the attack of 11 September 2001, itself can not be like that.
"We can not quickly berpuas themselves. We must be firm establishment and we should never undermine the (mental) of our guards. At the same time, we must keep in touch with the world with confidence and a clear goal," said Bush.
He is defending the handling pemerintahanya in the global economic crisis that he was to inherit with Obama said, "Sometimes families of workers who face the very difficult, but the result will be more difficult if we do nothing."
"All American citizens are in this situation together. And together, with confidence and work hard, we will improve our economy to the path of growth," he said in front of audiences, including 50 guests, in the East Room, White House.
With the least would not acknowledge the error, the error, Bush confessed that, like the preceding president, he must go down, but he does not break down kemundurannya this purpose.
While reject accusations that the Iraq war and interrogation practices of torture as a form of damage to the moral principles of the U.S., Bush warned the United States if it does not overcome the obstacles to freedom, barriers, the torment that is the U.S..
He is also the persistent maintain policies antiterorismenya controversial as keek own citizens and the United States meletupkan war in Afghanistan and Iraq, which was then cut across the U.S. people.
"There is much debate in the decisions that, but there is little debate about the results. Mulus American running for more than seven years without another terrorist attack to our earth," said Bush.
Referring error preceding 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson, who mengikrarkan foreign policy isolasionis, remind Bush that the U.S. effort to withdraw from the issues outside perbatasannya will only invite danger.
In the last speech, he did not enter a phrase-favorite phrases such as "war against terrorism" or the alleged "evil axis" that he go to Iran, North Korea, Iraq and leadership under Saddam Hussein.
Bush left a hand written note on the successor to the table in the Oval Room and then go before the country became part of the village homes, Texas.
Friday (Saturday WIT), and Mrs. Bush Country, Laura Bush, went from the White House to the President of the U.S. health official in Camp David for the last time, join the kembarnya two daughters, Jenna and Barbara, and a number of adjuvant neighborhood.
Source: Ant
All the Airbus Passengers Due to the River
Aircraft with flight number 1549 was separated from the base LaGuardia Airport, New York, the Charlotte, North Carolina. According to FAA spokesman, Laura Brown, the plane failed to hit the offshore base sekawanan birds.
According to a police member of the State of New Jersey, the pilot reported the plane to the traffic control officer that the plane hit a bird, and states of emergency. Pilot was named Chelsey B "Sully" Sullenberger.
"I think many people began to pray. Serene atmosphere," said Fred Berretta, one of the passengers. He originally estimated Terhempas and aircraft will be broken, but that does not happen. "That landing smooth," says Berretta.
Traffic control officer at LaGuardia saw the plane appear on the George Washington Bridge about 900 feet from the surface of the sea before falling to the water.
Source: AP
Decline of the French Muslim Task Force to Afghanistan
"The refusal to be in a mission because of religious reasons is a small incident which is not up to five cases per year," said Colonel Benoit Royal confirm a report in the newspaper Liberation sites that follow a course left.
Blog "Secret Defense" Liberation, Wednesday, proclaim, infantri a soldier in eastern France, in October last year, was refused in Afghanistan, but later agreed after a meeting with Islamic scholars.
"The one who refused the mission will face disciplinary action and in most cases, the sack of their military," said Royal.
Military spokesman, said the rejection by some soldiers showed "lack of understanding on their commitment to bear arms for France to defend the interests and values over time and anywhere."
France 2600 soldiers who have served in the NATO mission in Afghanistan to support the government of President Hamid Karzai is weak and the fight gerilyawan removed the Taliban from Kabul, the end of 2001.
French troops is one of the largest there, after the U.S., UK, Canada and Germany. Around 25 French soldiers killed in the mission, with the number of victims increased since they were years ago.
Source: Ant
UN warehouses were destroyed Dihantam Bom phosphorus Israel
"Warehouse is the main severe damaged by what appears to white phosphorus bombs. They are in the field who does not hesitate to bomb it again. If you ask for confirmation, it is as I mentioned," said the head of the UN humanitarian affairs John Holmes to the journalists on the meet the press in New York.
Building complex is owned by the United Nations Assistance Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Human rights group Human Rights Watch also accuse Israel before unleash attacks with white phosphorus bombs. This bomb can be used to not only to kill but also as an incendiary weapon building.
Israel refused comment on the use of ammunition but said, the military state that does not use weapons that violate international law.
Chin-chin against Israeli military also came from within the country. Some human rights groups in Israel, said Wednesday, Israeli offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip which has caused suffering unprecedented against civilians in the Palestinian territories. They accuse state Jewish army using weapons that kill hundreds of civilians killed is not involved in the conflict.
Sepucuk In a letter sent to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the military high range, nine human rights groups that said, civilian population in Gaza that the humanitarian suffering of extraordinary. "Level pencederaan against the civilian population is unprecedented," said the groups.
Since Israel launched incentive war in Gaza, more than 1,000 people killed in air attacks is not the great battle and 10 days. The amount includes 315 children and 100 women. Some 4,700 people also injuries in the offensive that Israel had done to the Palestinian coastal territory. Signer of the letter of censure General Committee that includes anti-Torture in Israel, Doctors for Human Rights - Israel, yesh Din and Israel branch of Amnesty International.
Violence around the Gaza erupt again after a six-month truce ends on December 19. Israel reply combatant Palestinian rocket firing to the Jewish state gempuran unleash massive air since 27 December and land attacks to the war in Gaza does not get a comparable criticism and condemnation from various corners of the world.
After a few days the air bombardment, troops and tank-tank land offensive Israel do to move the center of the main, including Gaza City. Group Hamas in the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the defeat of Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in the death a few days. Since then, poor coastal territory that has 1.5 million people by the dibloklade Israel.
Source: Ant
Due to the city of Gaza on Israel
Accompany the moment, had heard five times a bomb explosion that greeted the line of fire, but certainly not unknown location.
Previously made, dozens of trucks carrying humanitarian aid in line to enter Gaza Strip through the Rafah Gate doors, Egypt, Thursday evening or night time Indonesia. "This evening the situation in Rafah quiet. No fighter attack Israel. Usually this area is a target of attacks. The attack occurred only on the water Thursday morning," said Trias in electronic mail.
Meanwhile, an ambulance carrying Victims of unrelenting out of the Gaza Strip. Sirens wail-Roaring hold. Sayup-sayup bark heard the sound of weapons from Gaza Strip.
Along with the condition that, tank-tank in a newspaper of Israel has entered Gaza City as the capital of di duduki its Gaza Strip is
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
How Hillary Talk origin Hamas recognizes Israel
"Regarding Israel, you can not negotiate with Hamas until the group releases violence, recognize Israel and agree to abide by the agreement in the past. That's really for me absolutely," said Clinton in the opinion of the Senate in the confirmation occupation.
"That is the attitude the U.S. government. That is the attitude elected president," he said after the senator gave the impression that the "naive and not logical" for the government berdiplomasi against Israel.
He reflect the attitude President George W Bush to support the Egyptian efforts to mediate ceasefire following a 18 day war Israel to stop Hamas rocket attacks.
Bush speech against the government with which they say as a terrorist organization, a group that has ruled Gaza Strip since Palestinian autonomy diusirnya government supported the U.S. in June 2007.
Unlike Hamas, Palestinian autonomy government recognizes Israel, violence has been delivered, and the talks with Israel based on previous agreements, including the 1993 Oslo peace agreement.
Obama has proposed to approach the leaders of anti-US countries such as Iran, North Korea, and Cuba, but some observers doubting he would invite Hamas and Hezbullah that supported Iran, the U.S. kecam as a terrorist group.
In a confirmation of occupation, Hillary, said the new government will seek "new approach" towards Iran.
Source: Ant
Iran said the U.S. plan Kudeta Support
Justice Department spokesman, Alireza Jamshidi, on Tuesday (13 / 1), say, the defendant was arrested in Tehran and the court decision against them will soon be announced.
Jamshidi told reporters, four Iranian citizens who obtained funding from the U.S. government and Congress have been trying to recruit other people in Iran and trained them both in and outside the country with the techniques to overthrow the government.
He did not give details about the fourth or the person is on trial. The official IRNA news agency quoted Jamshidi said that, the CIA has been involved in the formation of the network and guides. (AP / AT / ppg)
Source: Kompas
Hundreds of U.S. Send Amunisi Ton to Israel
Komando AL U.S. Military Transport (MSC) said, the ship will be sought to bring 325 standard 20 foot containers with cargo ammunition.
Cargo will be carried through two separate trips from the Port of Astakos to the Greek port of Ashdod Israel between mid-and late January.
Hazardous materials in accordance manifes is explosive and detonator, but no other details. "Delivery of an 3,000-ton ammunition at a time is a big thing," said one broker who requested his name not mentioned.
"This (demand) is quite rare and we have many years did not receive any order of this," he said.
Department of Defense that the United States contacted by Reuters on Friday in Washington can not give a response.
MSC with its own fleet of transport vehicles ply duty steel and military supplies for U.S. troops, but they usually rent a boat if trade logistics are required.
Tender is followed renting a ship in December that brought more military cargo from the United States to Israel. Shipping is done by the air attacks to Gaza Strip.
Ships dicarter during the 42 days that is able to carry 989 standard 20 foot container of Sunny Point, North Carolina, to the port of Ashdod.
The tender document says the ship must be able to carry 2.6 million kg of explosive materials and the broker said that the amount is very large. Dicarter ships that carry cargo on 15 December.
Shipping broker in London specializing in the field of transportation to move the weapons for the UK and the U.S. military, said charter boat to Israel as it is rare.
A senior military analyst in London who have not mentioned the name of that may be something that is "not normal" and related to the Gaza attacks.
In September last year, the United States Congress to approve the sale of 1,000 bunker rudal not to Israel. Rudal GBU-39 guided by a GPS-called one of the most accurate bombs in the world.
Jerusalem Post quoted a source Israel defense officials last week reported that the first shipment arrived rudal in early December and Rudal was used to destroy places of the Hamas rocket launching is under the ground.
Source: Ant
Natalie Dylan, a student home San Diego, California, U.S., and in the auction virgin fresh 3.7 million U.S. dollars
When you first auction broadcast through a radio in the U.S., set September, the value of any bid start pop. Natalie had to get the price 243,000 U.S. dollars, or about Rp 2.5 billion.
And value continue to go ride it. In fact, when the already 10,000 men with the highest bid, 3.7 million U.S. dollars (about Rp 40 billion), Natalie is still waiting to shake one's head because the better bid.
But, of course, can not yet confirmed whether the man was serious with the bid or just purely fraudulent.
"I do not think people like to go out so much money to get their virginity, even when virginity is not so appreciated. It seems there is competition among the men, "said Natalie overt.
A matter of why there is no winner, Natalie says this is not auction, such as e-Bay with the highest bidder as the winner. "I do not choose the highest bidder. I need time to know each other. I spend a lot of chat with them, "he said.
10,000 from a bidder did not have a little sexual orientation exotic, some are even looking for love. "Create a search for love, I just tegaskan this date night," he said.
Natalie have a reason to sell kegadisannya. He has achieved a degree in the field of women's studies. Now he needs to pursue a master's degree on marriage and family therapy.
Well, here it costs large. "I'm honestly a matter of course that the reason why I melelang virginity. I do not take advantage more than that. I and the auction winner will get a proportionate, "he said.
He never has a claim to the two lovers, and they formed a serious relationship with. Both male-male polite and patient with the desires. Natalie own keperawanannya had planned to submit a kekasihnya, but he was not yet time to do it.
"People may think me strange because until the age of 22 years still virgin. However, I always keep my follow-horn, "said Natalie.
Inspiration find this kind of money coming from the older sister, Avia (23). The older sister who did not choose the less attractive to sell themselves for three weekends to pay for the course.
To prove the virgin, Natalie dare undergo various tests, including tests of lies. "I know, I wish this many people will be condemned because it is taboo, but I do not take it with a headache," he said. mail / tis
Israel PM Coral Stories lie about the U.S.
In an event that rarely revealed to the public, Israel and the United States-hand opinions. Even the two countries got strained, after terungkapnya mystery behind abstain on the U.S. Security Council resolution with regard to Gaza, on Thursday last week. Spokesperson for both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the U.S. White House says Israel claims the Prime Minister Ehud Olmet that he obtained approval to U.S. President George Bush but diputarbalikkan by Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice, so the U.S. abstain in the UN resolution DK, is a mere fabrication. U.S. DEPLU Spokesperson Sean McCormack said Olmert stories about what happens in the talks with Bush are "100 percent, is entirely, completely not true,". Meanwhile, Deputy White House Press Secretary Tony Fratto called "no inaccuracies (in the statement that Olmert)." During bercermah in front of the head of the authority of Israel in Ashkelon, on Monday, Rice called Olmert has been put to shame when it ordered the U.S. Menlu support the U.S. (for resistance) DK UN resolution that has been disiapkanya, after Olmert intervence Bush. Olmert said he spoke with U.S. President Bush so that ceramahnya stop in Philadelphia, to ensure that the U.S. will not support the UN resolution DK. "I said, 'I Connect to President Bush. They said, he (Bush) is giving lectures in Philapdelphia. I say (to them) I do not care,' I must speak with him now. He and come down from the podium and speaking with me, "I quoted Olmert as The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday (14 / 1). According to Olmert, he said that Bush on the U.S. do not support the UN resolution DK that Bush and Rice and then ordered to abstain. "She (Rice) is quite disgraceful," Olmert claims. Instead, McCormack says Rice has since decided Wednesday morning that he will not veto the resolution after the Arab ministers reject U.S. pressure for lowering intonation President DK UN statement. Rice to make this rejection must choose between supporting the final draft of the resolution or abstain. "Jadinya you have two possibilities: abstein or support, and she (Rice) decide, based on the country where the negotiations took place in the framework of the initiative (the President of Egypt Hosni) fortunate, that is likely abstain best so that the negotiations (Israel-Palestinian peace) and the progress indeed the situation on the ground, "said McCormack. He said, Rice spoke with Bush both before and after the U.S. president spoke with Olmert, but menandaskan, "with 100 percent assurance that the intention Rice, again, speaking with the President (Bush) is that he (assert) will abstain." The incidence chill U.S. response to this comment, an official in the office only a short PM Olmert say, "The statement Monday that the Prime Minister is correct in accordance with what is happening." Officials of Israel is trying to cool down the incident said that the problem has ended and will not affect anything. Officials also said that he was not concerned with any pembicaran Olmert on Tuesday that Rice mengklarifikasi for the incident, or any message that dilansir from Jerusalem to Washington. U.S. recognition of the incident was not immediately confirm the statement of Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni who claim to have been seven times a phone conversation with Rice that are difficult to vote on a resolution to the UN DK. And Rice has said that the U.S. will probably not veto the resolution or abstain are disposed. Rice spent three days in New York back and forth between the courtroom UN headquarters, the ministers met with Arab allies and partners-the UK and France. Ago he said the reason why he chose Rice because abstain feel DK UN resolution that may be a little premature. Israeli officials say dissent will not be any impact, because more will soon be leaving Rice posnya this less than a week. Olmert statement itself as the reflection of Israel's dissatisfaction over the means of Rice in the UN Security Council resolution on Gaza to attack Israel. Most carelessness Bad Middle East specialist Steven Spiegel described the incident as a political "carelessness worst made a Prime Minister of Israel throughout history." "You become what is thought or a prime minister, even if the allegations are correct, you really should merahasiakannya, and if it is not true, why you want to write up stories that good governance mempermalukan Bush and Israel, and invited sharp criticism from party opposed to Israel, "said Director of the Center for Middle East Development to the Israeli daily, Jerusalem Post. "No matter how to do that, exaggerate, lie, all truth, all the things that make it all look to be bad," said Spiegel. Source: Antara | ||
Israel Usir Ships Help Iran
As the Associated Press reported on Wednesday (14 / 1), the ship was then expelled to a port in Egypt.
Ahmad Navabi, Group Head of Humanitarian Assistance in the vessels, said, Israeli gunboat approached them 20 miles before entering Gaza beach. They then ordered the ship's return.
Ship named Shahed was leaving port Bandar Abbas, Iran, two weekends ago. Navabi the group will likely send aid to Gaza through the Rafah borders with Egypt.
Meanwhile, the fighter-plane, Israel continues to pound Gaza area. In an attack of their complex pemamakan strike, launching a rocket, weapons warehouses and tunnels in the Gaza Strip.
Today, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Cairo, Egypt to urge Israel and Hamas comply with the cease-fire resolution.
So far, at least 975 people killed in Palestinian attacks Israel. Some 13 Israeli citizens or soldiers also died, four of them exposed to rocket from Gaza in hostilities since the Dec. 27.
Source: AP
Seorang warga Arab Saudi tersangka serangan teror 11 September 2001 telah disiksa di pusat penahanan milik AS di Teluk Guantanamo, Kuba. Demikian lapo
Susan Crawford, an official in the Bush government that determines the Guantanamo detainees to trial, said in The Post that the suspect can not be tried because it was tortured.
The U.S. military investigators have been holding Mohammed al-Qahtani (30) for the isolation, sleep in the attack, and penelanjangan in the cold air berlama-old. "We punish Qahtani. Treatment meet the category of torture. Therefore I can not submit the case to court," said Crawford.
Qahtani be indicted to the pirate-20 in the September 11 attacks. He was denied entry to the United States a month before the terror attacks. He then arrested in Afghanistan for diterbangkan and then to Guantanamo in January 2002.
He has diinterogasi during the 50 days from November 2002 until January 2003, but he still diisolasi until April 2003. "All the techniques they (the interogator) use has been dilegalkan, but how do they do very aggressive and ongoing," I Crawford to The Post as dilansir AFP.
"You think about torture, you think about some egregious physical attacks have been carried out on a man. This is not the only one action, this is a combination of many things that the medical impact on the detainee to damage health. This rough and not terdefinisikan. coercion, compulsion really. It is the impact of the medical, I concluded this torture, "said Crawford.
Crawford cancel alleged war crimes against Qahtani in May 2008. Crawford (61) is a former prosecutor who previously worked for the Pentagon. In February 2007, the Ministry of Defense Robert Gates put this woman as the most authority in submitting tahahan-Guantanamo prisoners to court.
Source: Antara
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
Hamas-Israel negotiations are very slow
Special envoy quartet Middle East Tony Blair, on Monday (12 / 1), states, the basic framework of cease-fire in Gaza Strip have been arranged. Now only a few points complete detail in the agreement. "Now go to the sensitive and focused on efforts to stop the smuggling of weapons to Gaza, and unblock the Palestinian border," Blair said after meeting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
Former British prime minister also estimate and hope cease-fire agreement will be realized in a few days to come. In the negotiations, Egypt is also prepared to receive the tunnel detection equipment. However, Egypt disputed the weapons Hamas diselundupkan area of Egypt. In addition, Egypt also ask Israel immediately to open the crossing if Israel really wants to stop weapons smuggling.
However, Egypt still can not open the Rafah Gate, door penyeberangannya with Gaza, on a permanent basis as demanded Hamas. In accordance with the agreement in 2005, the opening of Rafah Gate should be through the approval Palestinian Authority, Israel, and the European Union.
Hamas representative in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, recognizes the "positive developments in negotiations", especially related to the proposals of Egypt. "We reject the content of the proposals of Egypt, but the decline does not mean everything," said Hamdan to the television station Al-Jazeera.
Previously, the President blessed submit three proposals, namely to seek cease-fire agreement provides the opportunity for humanitarian aid entering Gaza, the border of Gaza and the anticipation of weapons smuggling, as well as efforts to restart reconciliation in Palestine.
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad said the proposals Egypt is the best chance for the establishment of peace. "It is proposed that Egypt received immediately. The parties do not agree, reject, or does not move quickly in addressing this issue will be the party most responsible and must give answers to the people of Gaza, "said Fayad.
Fayad asserts, the people need is a Palestinian ceasefire to end all suffering and humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip.
Closed network
Iran's government has passed a draft bill that will put sanctions to foreign companies doing business with Israel. Sanctions will also apply to multinational companies which have branches in Iran and invest in the Palestinian territories or Israel to help regime.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad earlier on Muslim countries united Israel end the genocide. "We must immediately end the violence in Gaza and blocking in all fields, including economy. Government and parliament now identify the various Zionis company, "said the spokesperson for Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hassan Ghashgavi.
Since Israel attacked Gaza, 27 December 2008, companies such as Nestle group targeted Muslim groups protest anti-Israel. Nestle, including foreign companies that build factories in Iran. In addition to the company Nestle, French car company, Renault, is also often a target of protest. In fact, on 31 December, the company's retail branches in Italy Iran, Benetton, burned after the protest Israeli attacks in Gaza.
Iran's Ministry of Industry, last week, ordered the delay of all foreign trade company that is owned sahamnya Israel. "There is a special committee to review all the company in Iran," said Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.
Figure scholars in Iran, Ayatullah Naser Makarem Shirazi, Islam issued a fatwa about the "prohibition of the various products Zionis". Iran is known as a movement and Hamas does not recognize the existence of Israel. (Reuters / AFP / AP / LUK)
Source: Kompas
U.S. Black Hawk helicopters due, 1 killed
A Black Hawk helicopter belonging to U.S. soldiers fell in a field near the campus of Texas A & M University, on Monday (12 / 1) local time.
Incident that killed one person and injure four other passengers in the heli.
Heli Army UH-60 that fell on Monday afternoon, in the training field near the Corps of Cadets, about 100 miles southwest Houston. No student was injured in the incident. An eyewitness, Scott Walker, said he saw two heli mengudara. Some time later one of the heli is shaky start. "Suddenly the heli fell to the ground," said Walker.
Source: AP
Israel Threatens Use the "Iron Hand", will be confident Hamas Win
Haniya delivered a speech on television several hours after the storm will threaten Israel with Hamas "iron hand" if the rocket attacks from Gaza did not stop. In fact, Israel to the Gaza attacks intended to stop the rocket-missile.
"We are close to victory," said Haniya from places that are not mentioned. "I tell you that after 17 days of war that does not fool this terpatahkan Gaza and Gaza will not fall." Haniya also said, "Blood of children" killed in a showdown that will be the curse of the haunt U.S. President George W Bush.
Bush during this point Hamas as the cause of dissension. On Monday, he said want to have a sustainable cease-fire, but this depends on whether Hamas will stop rocket attacks to Israel.
After Israel and Hamas rejected the UN resolution for peace in the last week, the business focus is on peace plan that Egypt seeks immediate ceasefire so that humanitarian aid could enter Gaza.
Egypt also proposes to open the discussion Gaza border and take measures of prevention of weapons smuggling.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel are grateful for the suggestions that Egypt, but the main demand-demand that Israel not be negotiated. "Operating our military will stop if two conditions that we have already met, namely the end rocket attacks and weapons to Hamas berhentinya. If the two conditions is met, we will end the military operation in Gaza," Olmert said.
"If not, face the iron hand of the people of Israel can not give grace to the Qassam (rocket)," specifically.
When Olmert bersikukuh operation "Reaching Excellence" nearly reached the goal, rocket-missile ply the more Israel. Israeli spokesman said on Monday that almost 30 missile was launched from Gaza, but the victims are not reported.
Israel says the military, there are 60 targets that they hantam in Gaza on Monday, including 20 tunnels in the Gaza-Egypt border and the launch of nine rocket.
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, which limited his power only edges in the West, said, Egyptian initiative is best hope for peace. "The decline is, mind, or slow response to this initiative will be responsible for themselves, especially to the people of Gaza," he said.
Palestinian paramedics present, the victim is 26 lives in recent conflicts, so that the total number of killed during 17 days of Israel to reach 918 people, 277 of them children. Victims injured reached 4,100 people.
Source: AP
Fighter in the Israeli city of Rafah
That is the spectacle of the city every day in the Rafah area of Egypt. The Rafah residents, especially young children, jump out of the house and bewildered to watch the sky for the Israeli fighter aircraft and dive sharply increased.
Israel has a fighter plane, the most modern in the Middle East. Type fighter F-16E, F-15, spotter planes AWACS, and U.S. made Apache helicopter. Israel is now trying to buy U.S. aircraft tercanggih F-22.
All aircraft are now the backbone of the air force Israel to agresinya in the Gaza Strip. Aircraft-fighter that Israel does not necessarily deliver rudalnya shot to the various targets in the Gaza Strip. They give off fireworks in advance of tails and wings that make the sky full of blinking lights.
If you fly by day, bursts of flowers apinya vessel stars visible in the air. Day of the night, shot bursts of fireworks illuminate the sky exacerbated Gaza Strip and surrounding areas.
Time apinya eject flowers that, like fighter berakrobat earlier. However, after the Gaza Strip immediately changed into the lake of fire and black smoke. Fighter-plane that without forgiveness rudal indeed to shoot various targets in the Gaza Strip. All this grisly scene visible from the town of Rafah, Egypt.
After that, some car ambulance across the Egyptian border to bring injured victims should be treated in various hospitals in Egypt. Usually, the injured victim was treated at a hospital in the city of Arish (about 40 kilometers from the border of Egypt-Gaza Strip). Victims of severe injuries that are not capable of in a hospital in the city of Arish immediately taken to Cairo.
The main goal blitz fighter aircraft-Israel for the border area is a Gaza Strip-Egypt is better known as the Philadelphia area. In the area there are many strong suspected subway. Israel accuse the tunnel as the smuggling of weapons, ammunition, and logistics from Egypt to the Gaza Strip.
Israel also quibble that the main purpose of military operations reinforce large-scale Gaza Strip is to prevent weapons smuggling through tunnels and stopping Palestinian rocket fire toward Israel, South of the city like Sderot and Ashkelon.
No wonder if the Gaza Strip border, Egypt has always been the target bombardment airplanes combat Israel. Almost every day, Israeli combat planes drop bombs on the border region in the Palestinian side.
Therefore, the area on the Egyptian border into favorite place to watch airplanes combat Israel bombard the target due to a very close distance.
Often the border region between Egypt and the bombardment of Israel targets only 200 to 400 meters.
Take wisdom
Sunday and Monday (12 / 1), attack fighter Israel to hand Rafah town, Palestinian, feels so close. Gunshot and bomb Israel feels horrible earth. Terminal building pedestrian crossing at Rafah near the doors to vibrate due to bombing.
An Egyptian woman, Amal Abdurrahim, berorasi still not tremble in front of journalists. "See, airplanes Israel wishes demolish Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip. Israel Aircraft that do not select the target, both women and young children. In which the leaders of Arab and Islamic, why dwell alone, "Amal screaming.
He cried out saying, Arab nations and Muslims must unite the forces of the tyrant zionis. "I feel offended plainly see airplanes flying over Israel us. Look, airplanes are not only flying on the Gaza Strip, but also fly above the territorial air of Egypt. Therefore, Israel clearly violated the air of Egypt, "Amal firm.
However, he added, all the Arab leaders now and does not dwell only slightly. "Israel Aircraft-airplane that the performance on the strength of us, this is an abuse," added Amal.
The Egyptian owner of a shop in the city of Rafah that is not mentioned his name, said the plane-fighter that Israel wishes to fly over Egyptian territory to give a message that we must learn from all this. Take wisdom from this incident.
"We have to work hard to pursue our dropping out of Israel. We have to learn advanced technology. Show the strength of airplanes that Israel show that Arab nations are now weak and does not freeze, "he said again.
He said, now is the time of the strength of the age. "We must be strong in order to be respected by others. If you want to defeat Israel, we must be stronger than Israel, "he added.
That is the scenery and the day-to-day events in the city of Rafah, both in Egypt and the Palestinians, since Israel aggression started on 27 December to this day. (Mustafa Abd Rahman from Rafah)
Source: Kompas
Due Rudal Israel in Egypt Region
Rudal that landed in the Brazil district, about 200 meters in the region in Egypt.
Police have closed the area and ask the experts handle the bomb rudal it. Rudal may be part of Isarel air attack on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip there is lots of tunnel-tunnel used for smuggling to the Palestinian territories.
Rudal bomb is a piece of Israel's first known to be falling in the area of Egypt during 17 days of military attacks against Jews in Gaza. Fractional-shrapnel fell in Egypt have been previously.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel apologize to Egypt on Monday because serpihan-serpihan bullet Israel mencederai two children and two Egyptian police the previous day. Children aged two and five years and that both the police are treated in the hospital, but not yet clear how severe they are injured. Israeli ambassador, said the bombardment aimed at military targets.
Israeli air attacks also damage to a mosque in the Rafah-Egypt border and lead to dissolution electricity. One Egyptian border guards killed and two other injury by fire from the Palestinian Gaza since the conflict erupt.
In addition to a target, several witnesses said, fighter-plane fly over Israeli territory during the bombardment of the Egyptian smuggler tunnels. Israeli troops repeatedly bombard the Gaza border with Egypt since they started the attack on 27 December 2008.
Israeli air force blitz more than 40 tunnels connecting Gaza Strip area that diblokade with Egypt in the Sinai desert during the attack. Tunnel cross-border tunnel that was used to smuggle goods and weapons into the Gaza Strip which is lost from the outside world because of Israel blockade since Hamas menguasainya years ago.
Group Hamas in the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the defeat of Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in the death and for a few days since the coastal areas is poor dibloklade by Israel.
Source: Antara
Reina hooked up to 14,528 sms / times in a month
As reported, Reina in a month to send SMS as much as 14,528 times.
Initially, Greg Hardesty, father and single parents Reina, "fraudulent" want to know how many SMS sent his son who is always busy mobile phone push the button. "Omong-talkie, who do you send SMS? All children in school?" said Hardesty (45) at any time.
The father then verify the number of children online SMS service to AT & T. Once details emerged of 440 pages for the 14,528 SMS, Hardesty laughing. "Indiana, this is not possible. I immediately take a calculator to determine whether this may be for humans."
According to the count that is shown, children in one day send 484 SMS, SMS, which means each one a minute or two minutes outside the sleeping hours. "And I think AT & T is wrong," said Hardesty journalist who was Orange County Register.
Hardesty, of Silverado Canyon, interrogate ago was a matter of habit son to the SMS. The question sent via SMS. Best of Reina was "Wow, a lot of friends who subscribe to SMS without limit. I send their SMS at any time more bearable." Four colleagues who "obsesif SMS" aged 12 to 13 years.
During birthday parties, Reina busy-ber-an SMS with the friend who sat next to, but at that time people are singing. He even direct-nge rumpi via SMS with friends concerning the number of SMS is incredible that at the time the new parents know about it.
Reina reason that SMS is soaring high weeks ago is, "Time of the winter holiday, and I are bored."
Fortunately, Hardesty subscribe with SMS without charge 30 U.S. dollars per month (about Rp 330,000). If not, he must spend 2950.60 U.S. dollars (almost Rp 30 million) to the AT & T for every SMS that charge 20 cents per tell it.
According to the Nielsen survey institution, ABG age 13 to 17 years the average SMS-ber 1742 for a time. Hardesty own claim that he was sending about 900 SMS per month, while the results of the survey, for the age group as he was an average of only pro-SMS 200 times per month.
Hardesty and his wife, former ago agreed to limit mobile phone Reina, which may only be used after the dinner.
Source: Ant
The popularity of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on down nadir
Not long after midnight, square in the middle of Ramallah city filled with people who every day demonstrate protest Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip. The demonstrators sing songs Palestine, "By Allah, we all Palestinian people. Israel die!"
Suddenly panic occurred. As reported Radio Netherlands correspondent, David Poort, all berlarian. Tear gas to meet square Ramallah, while the forces Antihuru-burly Palestinian government holding many demonstrators. Perhaps there are people who whip flag and Hamas is prohibited by the Government of Palestine. Calls yel-yel Hamas also prohibited.
Antihuru-burly troops ordered by President Mahmoud Abbas not to let long demonstration. After one hour, square net disapu successful Ramallah. The demonstrator was clear roads so that traffic back smoothly.
"Abbas would like to inform him that the teeth remain in power," said Lena, a demonstrator from Ramallah. "However, for me he has lost prestige because of the war be weak in Gaza. This is not a Hamas opponent Fatah. This is more of the people against the Government of Palestine."
Israel attacks in the Gaza Strip obviously successful push up the popularity of Hamas in the West edges Jordan River, while the Palestinian government to lose support.
"On the streets berkecamuk a feeling of unity among the Palestinian people, but people still express support for the banned Hamas," complained the Lena. "Abbas can only speak, does not act. Hamas is now leading the resistance against Israel."
President of Palestine is squeezed in the middle of a situation that is not possible. Israel and the United States as lifting moderate leader for independent Palestinian state in the future. This agreement also means that Hamas must evacuate. However, because negotiations collapse last two years ago, Abbas does not now have more security.
In 2005, Abbas selected for the position for four years. Authorized, the term of office ending January 9, but Abbas rejected the reverse. According to him, the occupation will end in 2010.
On the edge square Ramallah, which was set up a tent laden with food and blankets. Here the material gathered by the United Nations for assistance transported to Gaza. This is a spontaneous idea of Ramallah, not the Palestinian government.
Several days ago, the Government of Palestine to begin collection action assistance. The government does not erect a tent far from the UN camp, but no one came with the donation. "They only imitate us," said amjad Taweel, a Palestinian youth center in Ramallah. "They established a tent next to us. And that's their new start. They are very late. They start after the new people get started."
Does not agree
Amjad Taweel own middle accumulate in the food aid in the tent. "I am not a Hamas supporter, I would anti them, but I support our brothers in Gaza." Abbas must see the people suffering under Israeli occupation. Likewise Taweel.
Not long after the invasion of Israel to the Gaza Strip began, President Abbas directly blame Hamas. If Hamas is willing only to extend cease-fire in effect until the last week then Israel will not have a pretext to unleash attacks. President Abbas thought so. "It has been many times I warn them," Abbas said not long after menghunjamkan Israel bomb them.
However, many people do not agree with the Palestinians to establish their president. In fact, they are angry because President Abbas does not fully support the people of Gaza. For them, the only cause of war is the occupation of Israel .*
Source: Radio Netherlands
Ahmed Tibi and Jamal Zahalka who led the two political party banned by israel Follow Election
One panel Election Commission to take the local vote to support a motion submitted two Israeli right-wing party that has been accuse the National Democratic Assembly, also known Balad and Ra'am-Ta'al groups as the instigator and terrorist supporters.
Ahmed Tibi and Jamal Zahalka who led the two Arab political party that compete each other in parliament, yesterday Monday, allied investigate the prohibition.
"It is a political court which made rasis and fascist groups that want to see the Knesset (Israeli parliament) without the Arab citizen and want to see this country (Israel) without the Arabs," said Tibi.
He said, partainya, Ra'am-Ta'al, will submit a petition to the Constitutional Court decision on the Israeli court. "If the members of the panel have any weapons, they will surely shoot us in the head," said Tibi.
Fifth Column
At a Knesset session the council recently held to discuss Israel to attack Gaza Strip, the Arab political party members of parliament condemn the conflict that has killed more than 900 people and injure thousands of Palestinians, other people.
"As a berprikemanusiaan, I oppose attacks against civilians where they are. It is natural if every time an Arab hurt, hurt my heart because we are members of the same nation," Tibi said in front of the Knesset.
Avigdor Lieberman, the leader of the party Yisrael Beiteinu political party submits petition prohibition-Arab political party, political party leaders described the Arabs as a "fifth column", a term that is addressed to the group asked to perform a resistance movement to undermine a country.
Tibi reply speech with Lieberman called fascist, while Talab al-Get There, members of parliament faction arab other, out of the hearing after repeatedly menginterupsi speech Lieberman.
Zahalka was first boycott the Knesset with the council says he will not take part in a "celebration of death."
Restrictions on the two Arab political party only to expel Arabs from the Knesset of Israel, but it does not affect the decision to become a member of the Arab parties and Jewish communist party.
Arab political party, political party is the only seven seats out of 120 parliamentary seats Israel. Approximately one fifth of the 7 million people of Israel are the descendants of Arabs with full citizenship rights, but suffered due to discrimination and poverty.
Most of the Arab citizen is 160,000 Palestinian refugees who still live in the area that is now called Israel after that country was established in 1948.
Source: Ant
Finally, a russian Alir Gas to Europe
For the first time since the occurrence of conflict during the six days the contract that makes European gas crisis didera fuel temperature in the frozen exacerbated this.
A Reuters journalist in the headquarters company of the corner gas in Moscow, Gazprom, reported that an official statement from perusahaaan have been issued to the station of a gas-station to begin distributing gas to Ukraine.
"Gas started flowing at 10 am (local time). Everything smoothly," said Gazprom spokesman Boris Sapozhnikov through the phone to the Associated Press.
The theory, a gas that, once opened, takes 24 to 36 hours to go to Europe after Russia and Ukraine disagree. Ukraine how the gas to Europe can be smoothly, while the flow to Ukraine in fact closed.
Europe depends on Russia to supply a quarter of the total needs of all of Europe, and flows through Ukraine. Ukraine is the ex-Soviet country's pro-Western. Russian relations with Ukraine after the heat trying to become a member of NATO military pact.
Chaos that European countries explore alternative energy sources and close the factory, the manufacturer's reputation has been damage to both Russia and Ukraine as a partner worthy of energy.
Russia stop gas supply to Ukraine on 1 January 2009 after a failed agreement agreed on gas royalties. A week later, gas stopped alirannnya in the Ukraine was stealing gas for Europe. Ukraine accuse Russia back in the country was using energy blackmail.
Settlement agreements have been reached after a European support for sending international observers in the dots in the strategic gas pipeline along the path to calm Russia that Ukraine does not distort the flow of gas.
Source: AP
Due adulterous, 2 men killed up to desist Stone
However, Ali Reza Jamshidi refused to name the name of the man who was both a punishment rajam it. Three men who reported perzinahan successful escape from the punishment.
Based on the Islamic law applied in Iran, a punishment imposed for rajam case perzinahan although this punishment rarely applied. Based on the provisions that apply, the body of the man perzinahan dibenamkan into the earth to the waist and at the woman's body perzinahan dibenamkan as to his neck.
Perzinahan actors who have dibenamkan desist until next fall. However, the perzinahan a successful escape from the hole location rajam will be considered free from punishment.
Source: AP
In Gaza on Israel Aircraft bombs
The journalist who directly witnessed the bombing attacks that 1 km distance from the border in Rafah reported, after the bombing at 16.15 (21.15 WIB), the direct
bomb followed next at 16.18 (21.18 WIB) and at 16.30 (21.30 WIB). At the bomb at 21:30 WIB it is - that fall exactly on the fence barrier Egyptian Rafah and Palestinian Rafah - create shocks that are very hard and make whiff of smoke like a giant mushroom cloud in.
Between the two journalists and TV One journalist had to pull together two or three of the border to find a more secure position. Sunny in the afternoon in Rafah make bomb attack four to five Israeli fighter - who guided the plane intai - it looks very clear.
Meanwhile, in the middle of Israel bombardir fighter who is uneducated, truck transporter accumulate and humanitarian assistance and opportunities awaiting permission to enter Gaza Strip.
Over 2000 people died due to cholera in Zimbabwe
Figures issued by the WHO show increased 117 victims died and 1,472 cases. This shows the level of deaths due to cholera in Zimbabwe reached 5.1 percent, or are far above the level of mortality in general, there is wide-scale outbreak, which is 1 percent.
Some humanitarian agencies have been working to overcome the spread of cholera outbreaks in the country, located in the south of Africa. Drinking water terkontaminasi referred to as the cause of outbreaks of cholera spread in Zimbabwe. Health and sanitation infrastructure in Zimbabwe is in the condition of concern due to political and economic crisis that lasted for many years.
Source: AP
Senin, 12 Januari 2009
Iran to sanction firms trading with Israel
TEHRAN - Iran's government has endorsed a bill that will sanction foreign companies doing business with Israel, in the face of the Jewish state's deadly assault on Gaza, the Iran newspaper reported on Monday.
The sanctions will apply to multinationals which have branches in Iran and which "invest in the occupied lands (of Palestine) or help the Zionist regime," the government-run paper said.
The draft bill adopted on Sunday will now be put before parliament, which is expected to pass it overwhelmingly.
The report gave no details of the nature of the envisaged sanctions.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday called on Muslim countries to unite to bring about an end to Israel's "genocide" against the people of Gaza.
The Iranian foreign ministry called for "any measure to stop the blockade, invasion and violence" in Gaza.
"In all areas, including economic, the parliament and government are seriously following it up and are identifying Zionist companies," foreign ministry spokesman Hassan Ghashgavi told reporters when asked about the sanctions and if they apply to companies such as Swiss group Nestle.
Nestle has been the target of protests by Islamists since the Gaza onslaught began, some Iranian websites said.
It is among a small number of foreign companies which have factories in Iran, which notably also includes French automaker Renault.
Others, such as South Korean group Samsung, market their products in the Islamic republic. Some, particularly in the oil and gas sector, have operated in the country for some time, such as France's Total and Anglo-Dutch Shell.
"A committee has been set up to examine the situation of different companies and the results will be announced when finalised," Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters on the sidelines of the meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organisation.
The Iranian industry ministry last week ordered the suspension of all trading by foreign firms "whose shares could be owned" by Israelis.
On December 31, a branch of Italian clothing retailer Benetton was set on fire in Iran amid protests against the Israeli operation in Gaza. The company's branches which had gone on a temporary closure are now back in business.
A prominent grand ayatollah, Naser Makarem Shirazi, has also issued an Islamic fatwa, or religious decree, to ban "Zionist products", the state broadcaster said on its website.
Iran is a staunch supporter of the Islamist Hamas movement which controls Gaza and does not recognise its archfoe Israel.
At least 900 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its onslaught on December 27 in the face of persistent rocket and mortar fire by Gaza militants.