Groups of lawyers and professors in Japan, Friday (19/12), asking Google Inc. to stop the Google Earth program, which provides detailed images and the way home from cities in Japan.
Serve in detail the location of the Internet, according to them, is a violation of the rights of private. Google provides a map with up to 360 degree angle from 12 cities in Japan. Also presented detailed maps of 50 cities in the United States and a number of specific areas in Europe.
The users of the site can break down the road to the name, location, details, even in the event someone outside his house. "We are skeptical that Google do this as a violation of the very top of the basic human rights," said Yasuhiko Tajima, constitutional law professor from Sophia University, Tokyo.
This image from Google can break down someone who is sunbathing in the sun, his home page. Hence their protests.
Source: Kompas