Anita bin plural (45), of the Village Talang Randai, muddy water Pasemah District, died in the hands of brothers Sukamto (34) and Darul (36), Sunday (18 / 1), not far from the house. The victim died immediately after the chest, stomach and rib injury victim ditusuk both actors with sharp weapons.
Information obtained from Mapolres Lahat, on Monday (19 / 1), the motive of the incident that scandalize the local resentment dilatarbelakangi long. Successfully secured a second suspect with the police suspect Saman (60), father of the two suspects, some time after the incident.
Genesis of the war that began between the mouth and Anita Saman suspect on the side of the house of the victim. Both hold the keris. Not to be exact cause a commotion between the victim and the suspect.
The scene that the suspect seen Sukamto (child suspects Saman). Then he ran to a house with the victims of sharp weapons. Sukamto come to see, the victim Anita and drop back. Sukamto direct puncture to the chest and stomach to the left of the victim. After that Sukamto fled. However, the victim was still standing. Genesis is seen by Darul (kakak Sukamto suspect) about the victim and pounce again the chest, stomach, and the left side of the victim. Victims fell and died in the accident.
Get a report from the victim's family, a number of personnel Polsek Pasemah muddy water slide to the location of the incident, and the corpse of the victim to bring a health clinic for local divisum. Several hours after the incident, the third suspect diringkus the police without resistance. (Andi Syahrial)