Google warned the Chinese government and all other popular portals so serious block pornographic material from the reach of readers in China, on Monday (5 / 1).
Warning that his 16 internet service, including Google and Baidu, warning sensor failed to comply, especially concerning pornography. Google and Baidu is a portal system that dominates the Internet search and advertising market in China.
Campaign against pornography are not new in China. Which is also remarkable is the seven government agencies will be involved in the campaign this time, including the Ministry of Public Security, and this is a premonition of this campaign has a broader political.
The Communist Party of China worried expression despair that appears related to the mass PHK could overwhelm the Internet blogs and forums.
Protester activity also increased in China, while a few years back near the more important events, including the slaughter tragedy Tianamen Field in 1989.
Google spokesman in China, Cui Jin, asserted, Google is a search engine does not have the information and distribute pornography. He asserted, company to comply with Chinese law. "If we find violations, we will take action. So far, I have not seen examples of violations," said Cui.
Meanwhile, spokesperson for Google in their headquarters in California, Scott Rubin, said, as a search engine, Google does not control the content of billions of pages in the index.
Source: AP