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Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Thieves Weird Sex shop collapse

Police in Cairns, Queensland State, Australia, pursuing a thief who considered "very strange".

Cairns Post newspaper, on Wednesday (7 / 1), proclaim, the thief is labeled "odd" because in the eyes of police dismantle three sex shops only to steal a special doll named Jane Rimba.

Plastic dolls of women who have to be blown in order to expand this is found in an alley not far from the sex shop. According to police, the thief to remove the dolls after the woman "to use it."
"They are very strange. Very concern that someone like this roam the streets, "said one of three owners of sex shops in Cairns, the city tour in the north Queensland.

"Puppet is stolen, be blown in order to expand, use, and then discarded in the alley," said sex shop owners who said Voque himself to the Cairns Post.

Police are handling this case asserts, were now a special unit to test DNA, fingerprints, and the store taking pictures of the thief to catch a "very strange" in