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Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

His wife is very jealous "Rajini NARAYAN" Burn it to the husband killed

An Australian woman charged after the murder of her husband burning equipment vital to the victims died. Women called Rajini NARAYAN (44) is desperate to do aksinya jealous because the fire burned.

In a court hearing in Adelaide on Monday (5 / 1), the prosecutor general prosecutor mentioned that Rajini confess to burn her husband on 8 December 2008 after he witnessed the embrace another woman's husband.

The accused was initially indicted endanger lives of others and burning a crime. However, he then allegedly killed after her husband, Satish NARAYAN (47), died because of the wound, last week.

Prosecutor Lucy Boord, said Rajini confess as women pencemburu. However, he does not intend to kill. During the incident, Satish sleeping Rajini flush fast asleep when her husband with a vital tool beralkohol liquid and membakarnya.

"I just want to burn penisnya so that it becomes mine and not for other people. I do not think this happens," said Rajini as ditirukan Boord.

Satish leap from the bed and kick a bottle of alcohol so that the widespread fires. Incident that eventually burn their houses.

Source: AP