"On the first day of registration for the fight against Zionis regime and help the Palestinian people, 7,000 students from various universities in Isfahan has voiced readiness," said Mohammad Zarifi, Perhimpunan members of Students Islamic Iran, as quoted Iranian news agency, Fars.
Still on the same day, another Iranian student group, Students Basij (Volunteer) from Tehran University, announced, the organization signed up volunteers to fight Israel.
Registration is done a day after Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa that states, who died in the war against Israel and defend the Gaza Strip will become a martyr.
"In response to the spiritual leader of the Fatwa Jihad (holy war), Basij students from universities throughout Iran have to register and registration will be opened tomorrow," said Alireza Zahedi, a member of Students at Tehran University Basij, without mentioning how many students have signed up.
"In the near future, students who registered will hold a meeting to convey willingness to fight for the spiritual leaders in the region (Palestine)," he said.
Thousands of Iranian people, including students, launched in the parade in Tehran Monday morning to condemn Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip. They brought a banner containing the slogan of anti-Israel and anti-US.
Since Saturday morning, Israel launched massive air attacks intended to say members of Hamas in the Gaza Strip and kill at least 345 people and injure more than 1,000 people.
Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, received strong support Iran, not acknowledge Israel as one of the countries of the international community.
At UN headquarters, New York, ambassador of Egypt and Palestine in the world body said on Monday, they asked the UN Security Council to make Israel comply with the invocation to immediately stop military action and violence in the Gaza Strip.
Source: Ant