Criticism on Israel to the Palestinian attacks continue to reap criticism. After collecting thousands of MCC massanya action criticize Israel, the Moon Star Party (United Nations) states that the Security Council to scale down one's demands Stockbridge Nations (UN U.S.) to issue a new resolution.
The resolution of the current, according to the UN Secretary General Hassan Sahar L, I can give to Israel to stop serangannya to the Gaza Strip. "Demand UN Security Council to issue a new resolution giving sanctions as severe as to Israel and ordered Israel to stop serangannya to the Palestinian people," Sahar said in a press conference at the UN Office of DPP, South Jakarta, on Friday (2 / 1).
Against specific countries, U.S.: UN resolution is not considered effective or blunt. "Resolution longer assume it is past time that required a new resolution from the context and the need to kekinian updated content," said Sahar.
When asked what steps konkretnya, during this action the government is doing a demo and delivering the statement to the UN representative in Jakarta, with the hope that can be forwarded to the UN center. He stated, the United Nations also has prepared 500 people Brigade Hizbullah members to diberangkatkan to Palestine if needed.
Leveraging funds and humanitarian aid also has digalang to provide support for the Palestinians maintain the country's sovereignty.