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Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

The Arab world criticize Israel attacks

Arab world reacts strong attack on Israel that kill more than 200 people and injure another person 400s in the Gaza Strip.

In Egypt, Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit expressed a deep sense of belasungkawanya of the victims. "Today every person standing on the side of Palestine," he said. He also called dihentikannya military attack Israel.

Egypt also open perbatasannya with Gaza to receive the injured victims. However, there has not been seen dilarikan the injured across the border.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab countries will be reported in Cairo on Sunday is, as said Chairman of the Arab League, Amr Moussa.

Laos Aboul Gheit refused tudingan while among the states that the Egyptians know and be able to receive Israeli military operation in Gaza. Indeed, in his visit to Egypt on Thursday and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of Israel many times to convey the statement that Israel will not be long menoleransi action Hamas, which call more than 80 times rocket and mortar fire toward Israel on Monday and then.

However, "if not properly be said to understand and accept the Cairo military attacks (Israel) that," said Aboul Gheit.

Laos is also called for Egypt to the second Palestinian Fax, which is dominated West Bank, Hamas and Fatah, to berekonsiliasi welcomes negotiations with the designed Cairo.

Meanwhile, more than 4,000 people in Lebanon yesterday effort, I also demanded that Israel stopped military attacks. They make the long march across the Palestinian refugee camp in southern Egypt and shout kecamannya in Israel.

They also point Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as agents of the United States and urged that militant groups Hezbollah to attack Israel back. In the broadcast persnya, calling Hezbollah attacks Israel as a war crime and Genocide.

Strong criticism also came from Prime Minister Fuad Saniora of Lebanon, that attack Israel as a criminal operation.

In the broadcast persnya, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Libya, invites all to unite the Arab world lay a solid action against the brutality of Israel in Gaza. Libya also invites the international community urged Israel to stop serangannya.

Saudi Arabia, which has designed a comprehensive peace between Israel and the Arab world also criticize strong attack Israel. According to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abas who yesterday met King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia is promising will ask U.S. President George W Bush and other leaders to pressure Israel to stop operations.

In Amman and other cities in Jordan, waves show a sense of pop to protest the actions of Israel attacked Gaza. The King Abdullah II also strong censure of Israel made the attack civilians, including women and children, as the target.

In Syria, hundreds of Palestinian refugees in the Yarmouk camp outside the city of Damascus, is also rolling out the action.

Source: AP