Thousands of citizens of Iran accompanied the government and military officials together down the street to protest and attack Israel, on Monday (29/12). Many are carrying banners with "Israel must be eliminated from the face of the earth" and "We must rise up, unite together destroy Israel." Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, also invites people in the Muslim world to condemn Israel.
Hundreds of Iraqi citizens also carry anti-Israel protests in Baghdad and one of the city of Syiah, namely, Kufa. The followers of radical leaders of the anti-US, Moqtada al-Sadr, down to the city of Sadr City street and burning the flag of Israel. The Government of Iraq also formally criticize Israeli attacks, which are considered unreasonable and inhumane that.
The same situation is also visible in Beirut, Lebanon. Tens of thousands of Hezbollah supporters protest immediately after the Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, to invite all citizens in the Muslim world to rise up and show solidarity to the people of Gaza.
In Afghanistan, Taliban groups also invite all Muslims in the world is united and together attack Israel as a reprisal of the military operation of Israel to the Gaza kill more than 300 Palestinian residents. Taliban criticize the U.S. and Europe because it is not immediately help stop Israeli attacks.
Israel attacks Gaza to also create a community infuriated Indonesia. Criticism and proposals for action from the pop-action protests in a number of areas, such as Gresik, East Java, and Yogyakarta. Israel said the attacks have clearly show who the real terrorist. Israel considered to violate the peace agreement and comply with the resolution.
Hundreds of residents and sympathetic Prosperous Justice Party also assess, Israel has never menggubris critique the world, even with arogan continue to repeat the action with trivial reasons. Israeli actions are war crimes that can not be tolerated. Therefore, the demonstrators demanded the UN to impose sanctions against Israel. Chairman of the Board Chairperson of MCC Region of Yogyakarta Ahmad Sumiyanto invites Islam to help unite Palestinian people's struggle. Not only contribute energy and ideas, but also collecting funds.
Anti-Israel protests also occurred in other countries, such as Jordan, Syria, Egypt, England, Spain, France, Turkey, Sweden, and Denmark. In some countries collision occurred between police and protester. Israel and the U.S. flag visible in front of the burned U.S. Embassy. Peaceful protests, which tumultuous change in the UK. Police arrested dozens of people.
In addition to providing support, Iran is also sending volunteers to fight Israel. Recruitment of volunteer workers from Iran under the hardline student groups.
Like Iran, Islamic Front of a public defender in Indonesia also plans to recruit about 1,000 volunteers to the Gaza Strip. "I need to have a good physical condition, strong, strong confidence, and ready to die. They will be given the ticket once the road until we have successfully overcome Israel, "said Secretary General of Islamic Front of a public defender Ahmad Soebri Lubis.
Stop attacks
The international community urged Israel to stop serangannya to Gaza. Chinese government hopes Palestine and Israel can end the dispute through dialogue, not with violence.
It expressed Likewise the Japanese request that both parties try to refrain. Meanwhile, Malaysia urges UN to act immediately and realize peace in Gaza.
To show concern at a time "to punish" Israel, the Government of South Africa called the Ambassador of Israel to South Africa Dov Segev-Steinberg. In a written statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, Israel didesak stop the attacks immediately and sit back immediately negotiate in the peace process without any conditions.
The statement came from different German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He accused Hamas into the causes of the increasing turmoil of violence in the Gaza area. Merkel and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert jointly agree, Hamas's most responsible for the situation that occurred in the area of the Middle East. The U.S. unilaterally damage the armistice agreement with mortar and rocket fire into Israeli territory.
The U.S. government also agreed to request UN armistice agreement that development. "To stop the turmoil of violence, Hamas must immediately stop the shot roketnya," said White House spokesman, Gordon Johndroe. (AP / ACI / WER / Luke)
Source: Kompas