French-army soldiers who reject Islamic religious duty in Afghanistan, saying their religion prohibits the fight against Muslim brethren. Said a British military spokesman to AFP.
"The refusal to be in a mission because of religious reasons is a small incident which is not up to five cases per year," said Colonel Benoit Royal confirm a report in the newspaper Liberation sites that follow a course left.
Blog "Secret Defense" Liberation, Wednesday, proclaim, infantri a soldier in eastern France, in October last year, was refused in Afghanistan, but later agreed after a meeting with Islamic scholars.
"The one who refused the mission will face disciplinary action and in most cases, the sack of their military," said Royal.
Military spokesman, said the rejection by some soldiers showed "lack of understanding on their commitment to bear arms for France to defend the interests and values over time and anywhere."
France 2600 soldiers who have served in the NATO mission in Afghanistan to support the government of President Hamid Karzai is weak and the fight gerilyawan removed the Taliban from Kabul, the end of 2001.
French troops is one of the largest there, after the U.S., UK, Canada and Germany. Around 25 French soldiers killed in the mission, with the number of victims increased since they were years ago.
Source: Ant