Hamas leader Ismail Haniya believe will win the battle in the Gaza Strip, on Monday (12 / 1).
Haniya delivered a speech on television several hours after the storm will threaten Israel with Hamas "iron hand" if the rocket attacks from Gaza did not stop. In fact, Israel to the Gaza attacks intended to stop the rocket-missile.
"We are close to victory," said Haniya from places that are not mentioned. "I tell you that after 17 days of war that does not fool this terpatahkan Gaza and Gaza will not fall." Haniya also said, "Blood of children" killed in a showdown that will be the curse of the haunt U.S. President George W Bush.
Bush during this point Hamas as the cause of dissension. On Monday, he said want to have a sustainable cease-fire, but this depends on whether Hamas will stop rocket attacks to Israel.
After Israel and Hamas rejected the UN resolution for peace in the last week, the business focus is on peace plan that Egypt seeks immediate ceasefire so that humanitarian aid could enter Gaza.
Egypt also proposes to open the discussion Gaza border and take measures of prevention of weapons smuggling.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel are grateful for the suggestions that Egypt, but the main demand-demand that Israel not be negotiated. "Operating our military will stop if two conditions that we have already met, namely the end rocket attacks and weapons to Hamas berhentinya. If the two conditions is met, we will end the military operation in Gaza," Olmert said.
"If not, face the iron hand of the people of Israel can not give grace to the Qassam (rocket)," specifically.
When Olmert bersikukuh operation "Reaching Excellence" nearly reached the goal, rocket-missile ply the more Israel. Israeli spokesman said on Monday that almost 30 missile was launched from Gaza, but the victims are not reported.
Israel says the military, there are 60 targets that they hantam in Gaza on Monday, including 20 tunnels in the Gaza-Egypt border and the launch of nine rocket.
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, which limited his power only edges in the West, said, Egyptian initiative is best hope for peace. "The decline is, mind, or slow response to this initiative will be responsible for themselves, especially to the people of Gaza," he said.
Palestinian paramedics present, the victim is 26 lives in recent conflicts, so that the total number of killed during 17 days of Israel to reach 918 people, 277 of them children. Victims injured reached 4,100 people.
Source: AP