Minggu, 11 Januari 2009
Obama signed Gaza in First Day
U.S. President elect Barack Obama, in an interview with television station ABC News, states will form a special team responsible for searching for the efforts of peace in the Middle East soon after the rise of office on 20 January 2009.
"What I do are now the team is formed on January 20 so that, starting from the first day (I rule), we have the people most able to handle the immediate peace process in the Middle East as a whole," he told ABC News.
This team, as Obama, will be in close touch with all the actors (the dispute) in there. They will work to create a strategic approach that ensures that both Israel and the Palestinians met the aspirations-aspirasinya.
Before that date, he will leave the government President George W. Bush to run foreign policy (USA), but stressed that for the continuation of peace process in Timteng.
"I think that if you see, not only from what the Bush government, but also from what the government has done (Bill) Clinton, you are witnessing outline of an approach (in the policy Timteng)," said Obama in interviews that have been recorded Saturday.
Obama noted that he received a message from Vice President Dick Cheney sunday ago that his team should study carefully the approach taken by the government on duty before menyingkirkannya for only one political goal.
"I think it is very good suggestions. I must know what is going on before we give an assessment-assessment and that we should not make an assessment on the basis of incomplete information or campaign rhetoric," said the president was selected.
Under the Bush government, the United States has been accused by the Palestinian side has the membabibuta on Israel so that hurt the entire peace process.
July, during a visit to Israel, Obama said, "If someone menyerangkan rocket-roketnya to my home where my two daughters are lelap asleep, I will do anything to stop the attack. I think Israel will do similar things. "
When asked by ABC whether he will repeat the rhetoric now, Obama said, "I think the basic principles of each country is warganegaranya they must protect."
Israel for the first time Sunday hasratnya untk end what disebutnya as a war against Hamas in the midst of battle-fierce battle that has killed about 900 people in the Gaza Strip.
Source: CNN