Israeli troops began to recruit personnel to back up in the Gaza Strip. This attack marks the expansion of Israel troop land incursion into the coastal area bag under Hamas.
Not mentioned the amount of reserve personnel who were Israel to enter the Gaza Strip. Some of the reserves have been entering Gaza Strip and the rest of the additional troops will be reported to enter the area came.
This is the first time Israel rally military personnel to back up in Gaza Strip, since the Jewish state launch "Operation Reaching Excellence", which entered the day-to-16, Sunday (11 / 1), and has killed more than 900 people. Around sepekan ago, the Government of Israel has announced disetujuinya up tens of thousands of reserve personnel, and ordered the establishment of reserves to the amount of tens of thousands of personnel. The announcement was issued almost simultaneously with the attacks dilancarkannya land to the Gaza Strip aimed at stopping rocket attacks to the settlement of Israel.