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Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Due adulterous, 2 men killed up to desist Stone

Two men accused of doing perzinahan have to desist with stones killed in northeastern Iran. Spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice Iran's Ali Reza Jamshidi explain, rajam punishment has been held at the end of December last year.

However, Ali Reza Jamshidi refused to name the name of the man who was both a punishment rajam it. Three men who reported perzinahan successful escape from the punishment.

Based on the Islamic law applied in Iran, a punishment imposed for rajam case perzinahan although this punishment rarely applied. Based on the provisions that apply, the body of the man perzinahan dibenamkan into the earth to the waist and at the woman's body perzinahan dibenamkan as to his neck.

Perzinahan actors who have dibenamkan desist until next fall. However, the perzinahan a successful escape from the hole location rajam will be considered free from punishment.

Source: AP