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Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

Teacher "Women's Christine McCallum" Gauli Bocah Men Hundreds of Times

Not all people who work or teacher educators, both diversified sexual men and women, giving a good example. Moreover, if the teacher has a strange sexual orientation. As Christine McCallum, teachers Massachusetts this woman home. 

Turbulence is not able to control the appetite syahwatnya, he tega-teganya menggauli kid men aged 13 years. Indictment and a statement is made to enter the Massachusetts teachers origin aged 29 this year to the court to be responsible kelakuannya. 

Is mentioned in the indictment, McCallum has to do with sexual harassment menggauli male kid that as many as hundreds of times since starting the kid was 13 years old. Now digaulinya kid who was aged 16 years. 

According to John Llewellyn, head of the Rockland Police Office, based on statements the kid who has now aged 16 years, he has claim to hundreds of times digauli. "He has confessed digauli mother McCallum teachers almost as much as 300 times and occur almost every day," said Llewellyn. 

Since this case mencuat entry and ranah court, McCallum has the sack from a school in Abington, Massachusetts. McCallum was suspected to be the kid when he became assistant teacher at the School Abington, Massachusetts. 

Relationship ended after the father of the kid found some letters from Mccalum. A letter of concern to the pitched kandasnya their relationship. 

However, McCallum disprove these claims. McCallum power according to law, there is no evidence that can be used as a reference that the client has to have sex with teenagers. McCalum released at this time with a number of insurance money, but are forbidden to approach the kid, his family, and all under-age kid. (Dhika / Kompas-TV) 

Source: AP