Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa plans to ask the U.S. president elected, Barack Obama, to revoke economic embargo that has lasted 47 years against Cuba. Rafael Correa will also be lobbying repatriation of five Cuban citizens imprisoned because the U.S. conduct activities detective.
Correa warned that the 50 years communist Cuban revolution, said he wanted to meet with Obama on Latin America KTT, April. "We will talk about the future KTT important signaling a change in U.S. attitude towards the area at least in Latin America, submit exemption five Cuban prisoners, and revocation for five decades blockade against Cuba," said Correa.
Correa had revoked the request to U.S. embargo against Cuba during a victory celebration in the present Cuban revolution by Fidel Casto in Havana in 1959. Celebration was also attended by the younger brother Fidel, Raúl Castro, who currently serves as President of Cuba at the funeral Ernesto "Che" Guevara in santu Clara, 270 kilometers east of Havana.