Egyptian officials hold negotiations with a Hamas delegation in Cairo, Sunday (11 / 1), which aims to reach ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
"The meeting held with the Hamas delegation and the negotiations will be conducted again with the Israel tomorrow (Monday (12 / 1))," said Ismail Khart, head of the field lighting Egyptian government.
High Defense Department official Amos Gilad led the Egyptian team in negotiations with Israel on the Egyptian cease-fire. Gilad was in Cairo on Thursday and preliminary negotiations on the ceasefire plan Egypt.
"Ceasefire is very important, we can not bring the parties to negotiate during the battle continues," said Khart.
Egypt plan that seeks to meet the demands of Israel for the prevention of weapons smuggling through tunnels to the Gaza-Egypt tunnel tuntuan and Hamas for the re-opening of Gaza border to normal traffic.
Hamas delegation from Gaza and the messengers of bermarkas the Hamas leadership in Syria is in Cairo, Sunday, to conduct negotiations with Omar Suleiman, Egyptian officials who deal with Israel-Palestine problem.
Mussa Abu Marzuk, deputy Hamas leader, said, the delegation will ask for clarification about the plan announced three points of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday. "Many questions and need clarification," said Abu Marzouk, who bermarkas in Damascus.
Plan three set points that cease-fire to allow the distribution of humanitarian aid to Gaza, an emergency meeting with Palestinian officials and Israel, and the start of negotiations more Palestinian reconciliation.
One of the Hamas delegation met with the Syrian head of Egyptian intelligence Omar Sulaiman on Tuesday, but the negotiations in Cairo will be the first meeting that was attended by envoys Gaza since Israel started the attack against two weekends region.
Abu Marzuq also refused to support the resolution of the UN Security Council issued Thursday a set ceasefire with Hamas is not invited reason negotiate.
"Hamas has no comment on the resolisi that, because they are not required to approve or reject them," he said.
Hamas delegation did not mention how it works across the border, which dibom incentive for two this weekend by Israeli troops who tried to destroy the tunnel network used Hamas to smuggle weapons to the Gaza Strip.
Israel says, they seek to guarantee U.S. support Egypt proposed that the prevention of weapons smuggling to Gaza.
Jewish state was repeatedly stressed that they will not stop the attacks to the coastal region that international mechanisms are set up so that weapons do not again enter Gaza through a tunnel to the hundreds of Gaza from Egypt.
Source: Ant