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Senin, 12 Januari 2009

Obama Ragukan Kamp Guantanamo Closure

Elected U.S. president, Barack Obama, reaffirms his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. However, Obama acknowledges that the closure may not occur in the 100-day period as the President of the U.S. occupation.

"More difficult rather that I think many people realize," Obama said in an interview on the program "This Week" ABC when asked about his promise to close the controversial military prison, which is still holding about 250 terrorist suspects.

"I think that will take legal team and we will work to consult with national security when we design the steps that are appropriate for that," said Obama.

However, Obama, who will be served on January 20 stressed that the prison at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba will be closed. "I do not want to fork on this matter. We will close Guantanamo and we will ensure that the procedures that we make is that the procedures comply with the constitution," he said.

"That is not only the right thing to do, but really should be part of U.S. security strategy from a more knowledgeable as we will send a message to the world that we seriously uphold the values our principles," he said.

Civil liberty groups around the world have been hard condemns Guantanamo prison, which was established in 2002 to hold combatants who diringkus in the "war against terrorism" of George W Bush, especially during the war in Afghanistan. Some of the critic, said the military court that was formed to handle the suspects deny the basic rights of them.

Global civil liberty groups welcomed the promise to comply with the Obama principles of the Constitution regarding the prisoners remaining in prison. However, the human rights group Amnesty International, Friday (9 / 1), asking Obama to announce the date for closing Guantanamo Bay prison.