Every Christmas, Bethlehem, the city in the West Bank as the birthplace of Christ, will attract thousands of pilgrims. Most probably will not go away from the lamp-light Field manger. Some roads from there, Palestinian residents fought the hard reality. Some find a way of adapting.
Claire Anastas live in a three-floor house in the dikitari third barrier separating the sides with Israel, a gray cement wall that reached just below the roof of his house. Wall was deprive their families of their livelihood, a business service that go bankrupt because customers can not reach it again.
Now Anastas (39) using the wall to find the money. Since October, he sells olive wood carvings of traditional Bethlehem on the internet. One of the goods most in demand is a scene of the birth of Christ with a dividing wall. That is the design, with a wall that can be removed only in case buyers want a more rousing scene.
Anastas said, so far he has sold 90 bass scene with the birth of Christ from the walls of the 300 fruit dipersiapkannya. "This symbolizes the condition that they memesannya," Anastas said about customers.
Start in 2003
Wall standing outside his home in 2003. That part of the cement barrier and fence built along the West Bank and two new pertiganya completed. Israel says, the wall is meant to prevent the entry of Palestinian attackers. However, the barrier also takes 10 percent of West Bank territory in what is called the Palestinian citizens, according to annexation of land.
Barrier is not only cut off Bethlehem from nearby Jerusalem. Wall is made zigzag through Bethlehem to separate Had Rachel, a sacred place of the Jews, from other parts of the city Bethlehem.
Some in the business environment Anastas has been closed because of the wall. However, one neighbor, John Hazboun, had the opportunity to see. One day he brought a wooden ladder, two paint cans, and a brush, and then write the menu from the Bahamas Seafood Restaurants owns in the wall.
Hazboun says, customers and tourists have been ordering in a restaurant where a guard tower Scenic Israel for the Christmas and New Year.
In the economic conditions more difficult, Anastas seeks solace four children aged 11-19 years, especially during Christmas. He put Christmas trees and promises that Santa Claus will bring gifts. Families will enjoy a concert at the Field Night at the Christmas manger. "It makes us happy," he said. "We feel there is still a beautiful behind." (AP / AT)
Source: Kompas