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Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

Spier Saddam brought to justice in the U.S.

An Iraqi citizen who lived in the U.S. pleaded guilty to be spier former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the trial in the U.S., on Monday (22/12).

Prosecutor Rod Rosenstein, said U.S. troops found dokuman in Iraq that shows the involvement of Saubhe Jassim Al-Dellemy (67) as a detective deceased Saddam.

According pengakuannya, Al-Dellemy destroy documents in the Iraqi Embassy in Washington that contains notes that Iraqi intelligence agents working in the U.S..

Al-Dellemy threatened a maximum penalty of five years when vonisnya will be in March 2009. Dozens of people have tried the U.S. government since Iraq invasion in 2003 As a detective for the Saddam government.

Source: AP