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Kamis, 25 Desember 2008

Pope XVI Benediktus: Peace With You

Pope XVI Benediktus lead Misa Night at the Central St. Basilika, Vatican, Thursday (25/12) early days.

Wear white clothes pomp and golden robe, the highest leaders of the Catholic procession in the run toward the main podium. Senyumnya expand. He stopped several times to stretch out their hands and bless the children.

Pope started with mass prayers for peace in Latin, "Pax vobis (Peace With You)." Catholic people also said, "Et cum spiritu tuo (And also with you)."

Thousands of members of the church, Roman citizens and tourists, flooding the St. Basilika to attend the mass. For those who can not go to the location to witness the procession through the giant screen in St. Peter's Field.

Wednesday, Pope appears briefly in the private window to bless the people who meet St. Peter's Field and light candles as a sign of peace.

Light a candle before the Pope, the second Vatican, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone the candle light procession is a call for all people to pray for peace. "I submit to all who listen, candle flame of peace in yourself will help you to listen and to share the suffering of the suffering," said Bertone.

Today is also the Pope's Christmas message "Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world)" from the balcony of St. Basilika. The tradition, the Christmas message to highlight the various issues and events at the Vatican. He then survived the Christmas in more than 60 languages.

Source: AP