Pope XVI Benediktus lead the Middle Misa Christmas Night, Thursday (25/12), with the message that considers the fate of children who are forced teraniaya living on the streets or as soldiers.
In a message delivered on Christmas Basilika St. Peter, the Pope asks for help all the children who lost their love of their parents and exploited around the world.
"Son of Bethlehem is once again pushing us to do something with the power to end the suffering of our children," he said.
Pope also concerns for the children who become victims of pornography industry and other children who have experienced persecution. "This will cause a trauma in their lives," he said.
When Pope reminded the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Palestine, he prayed that the conflict between Israel and Palestine ended.
"Let us also consider a place called Bethlehem, the earth where Jesus lived, and who care about him so," said Pope. "Let us pray that peace in the form there. Let us pray together so that for the heart and the border was opened immediately."
Benediktus pope is scheduled to visit Bethlehem in May 2009. That will be the first Pope to visit Israel and the Palestinian territories since Pope John Paul berziarah there in 2000.
Source: AP