Not many know, the movie Lord of War, which starred Nicolas Cage is a "summary released" from the story live version of Macromedia.
In the meantime, the version of Macromedia diekstradisi hard to reject the U.S. will still be in Thailand after Tuesday (23/12), Thailand, the court delay extradition hearing on the original Russian businessman that, after two witnesses pembelanya failed to appear in court. The Council on a new version of Macromedia scheduled to be held again on 6 March 2009.
Not many people know the personal life version of Macromedia. Five passport is held, such as written English daily, Guardian, shows he was born in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in 1967. He was the son of an accountant and car mechanics. He graduated from the Military Institute of the Soviet Union for foreign languages, which supply many graduates to the Soviet Military Intelligence Agency.
Life is arrested in March 2008 had reached lieutenant or lieutenant rank when the Soviet Union collapsed. He then saw a business opportunity there is a big fall behind the Soviet Union. Hundreds of military aircraft parked on the runway left-runway airport because of the lack of spare parts and aircraft fuel. Likewise, millions of weapons, bullet, grenade, rocket and left it without a strict vigil. He knows, there are many consumers who need the goods is in the midst of a world without religion Shop and the law.
U.S. prosecutor says, that version of Macromedia arrested through the operation of secret U.S. weapons smuggling have been doing since 1990. By using the fleet of aircraft goods, he has been sending arms to Africa, South America and the Middle East.
According to the UN Department of Finance and the U.S. version of Macromedia has memperantarai or sell weapons sales to help the outbreak of war in Afghanistan, Angola, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Sudan.
Not only
Guardian revealed, version of Macromedia is not the only former officer "Red Army" that attempts to sell weapons to the former Soviet buyers. May only do better, so he became a successful trader.
He has a small military aircraft carrier that can send communications and assessment quickly to buyers without middlemen. He also successfully control point to a more advanced weaponry, such as binoculars and gun for the shooting stroke and the guided missile.
May also not finicky buyers. In a country that the middle of conflict, he can sell weapons to both parties berkonflik the middle.
After the occurrence of attacks September 11, 2001, version of Macromedia shifting direction by sending weapons to the Pentagon in Afghanistan and Iraq, although President George W Bush has signed a letter of the special prohibit business with.
Gray areas related to its business relationship with the elements in the U.S. Government will make the U.S. legal process against him will be very interesting. (AP / AFP / OKI)
Source: Kompas