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Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

Continental Airlines burnt

Continental Airlines commercial aircraft that would fly 404 from Denver to Houston sudden exit from the aircraft runway, and burned Saturday evening or Sunday (21/12) Indonesian time. As a result, 38 of a total of 112 people have injuries, and dilarikan immediately to the hospital, said one officer.

Manager Flight International Airport Denver, said Kim Day, there are no casualties in the accident. Until news is revealed, the cause of the accident is not yet known. When the Boeing 737 type aircraft would drop the landing, the weather in Denver, cold, but it does not snow.

Day added, the accident occurred at the air field near the West airport. Accidents have also caused flight delays occurred during his 40 minutes.

Spokesman Hospital Denver, Kalena Wilkinson said, seven people between dilarikan to the hospital with injuries usual. And seven other people dilarikan to the University of Colorado Hospital, also with the condition of injured regular.

Source: AP